Chap 1

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I step out of the back door of the small diner and wipe my palms on my apron. A shiver runs down my spine as the wind brushes my hair.

It's so damn cold.

I pick up the trash bag and walk across the alley to the dumpsters but I stop in my tracks when I hear voices.

Looking down the alleyway, I see two tall figures standing face to face. The men seem to be arguing and I crouch down to not be seen. I hope they don't see me.

I don't want to die.

I can't hear what they're saying but soon enough one man is punching the other and a fight breaks out between them.

My breathing quickens and my skin erupts in goosebumps. I'm not a fan of violence.

I ponder if I should go get my boss or call the cops but then I hear a thump and I squint my eyes to make out what I'm seeing. The clear winner of the fight peers over the limp body on the ground.

I gulp.

His eyes snap up to mine and I gasp, oh God I'm next. I stand up and haven't noticed that I'm shaking until now.

Should I run? Do I talk to him?

But before I can figure out what to do next he speaks up and his voice is deep and sexy.

"The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, princess." He growls at me and then spits on the ground revealing blood.

What is that supposed to mean?

I raise an eyebrow at him and he snarls and walks away leaving me in the cold and dark night.


I park behind the diner and decide to go through the back door to see if the man is still on the ground.

I should've called the cops.

I grab my coat and bag as I lock my car and turn the corner to the alleyway. All I see is the blood on the ground from the spit and I shutter to myself.

That man has been on my mind all night. He is so hot, ugh.

I push those thoughts away and look up to find a person at the end of the alley leaning against the wall.

I freeze in place and take a deep breath.

It's him. The hot guy.

I can feel my blood drain from my face as he turns around and puffs out some smoke from his cigarette.

His eyes lock with mine and he just glares at me. I can sense that he recognizes me. I want to say something, to ask him if he's okay but then he steps away from the wall and turns the corner.

My body yearns to follow him but I drag my feet to the door instead and walk into the diner.


I wonder about this man all day long. What's his name? What color are his eyes?

A sigh escapes my lips as I push the door to the alley and walk back to my car. The sun is setting and people are busily headed home for Christmas Eve.

I stand outside my car for a minute, waiting and watching down the alley for something or someone to appear.


I get in my car and hesitantly leave.


Hello people!

This is a short introductory chapter and most of them will be short bc this is a 'short story' haha.
Also, all of the chapters will be in the girls POV and I don't plan on changing that.
You won't find out both characters name until later, so keep reading to find out!

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