Chap 13

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Three days after, I finally got smart and started carrying pepper spray with me everywhere. I don't know why it took me this long but I don't want to ever encounter something like that again.

As I leave, I make sure to lock the door securely this time. I take out my pepper spray as I walk down the alley and make sure to stay alert.

My eyes adjust in the night and I can make out my car alone in the parking lot. I survey the area and clutch onto my pepper spray before slipping inside my car.

I breathe out in relief and immediately lock my doors. I made it.

A light knock on the window makes me scream out in fear. I place a hand to my chest and point the pepper spray towards a confused looking Miles.


I instantly unlock the doors and get out to greet him with a hug. My arms cling onto him, wanting him to protect me forever. His heat makes my skin relax and my breathing slows down.

He quickly hugs me back with a lot of force and scans my face in panic. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks, angrily.

I shake my head and bite my lip, not wanting to tell him that I'm paranoid about a drunkard. He would surely flip out.

He glares at me and cups my cheeks, forcing my eyes to meet his. My knees go weak and I realize that he cares about me and he wants to help me.

He groans at me, obviously impatient, and I open my mouth to speak up.

"A few days ago, I was in the alley when a man grabbed me. He was drunk and he wanted me but I managed to get away. I'm scared." I tell him, whispering the last part.

His eyes go cold and his face turns to stone. I gulp and feel my body go numb. What if he's mad at me? I suddenly start crying, my cheeks becoming wet.

I feel so safe with Miles that I'm overcome by emotions. He's everything to me.

He shushes me and brings me into his chest. I press into him, never wanting him to leave my sight again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Charlotte. Fuck. I should've been there. I'm so sorry." He mumbles into my ear.

He pulls away and his eyes glance at my wrists. The red marks have healed a little but you can clearly see the fingerprints. He huffs and I can tell he's out for blood.

"Did he do this?" He snarls, already knowing the answer. All I do is nod and he kisses them gently.

The gesture soothes me and I kiss his cheek. My skin relaxes under his touch and he picks me up bridal style, taking me by surprise.

His arms hold me firmly as he climbs into the drivers seat and sets me on his lap. He locks the doors and a growl comes out from deep in his throat.

I look up at him and find his jaw clenched. A tear falls from my eye again, for Miles. I love him so much.

"It's okay, I'm okay now." I tell him.

He looks down at me with the softest eyes and his face screams of guilt.

"What if you didn't escape? What if that man hurt you even worse? If something happens to you-"

I cut him off with a kiss on the lips. He grips the back of my neck, melting our lips together. I can feel his protectiveness and his anger. I sit up, straddling him and we pull apart.

"I love you, no matter what. I know you'll always be here for me." I assure him.

He shakes his head and drops his hands into my lap. I take them and interlock our fingers. "I'm not always here, princess. That's what I'm worried about." He whispers.

His voice is so pure and genuine. I squeeze his hands and kiss his knuckles. I want to tell him to never leave me but I know he's off doing his own job.

And then, his eyes stare into mine for what seems like an eternity.

His lips form a small smile. "What if you came with me?" He asks.

I furrow my brows and feel my cheeks slightly blush, "Like live together?"

He grins, "Sure. You wouldn't even need a job, I can help you and I can always protect you. What do you say Charlotte?"

My mind races and I tear my eyes away. This is what I want, to have a normal relationship. I don't need anything but him.

"You're everything to me." He says, making my eyes meet his again.

I smile widely and plant a kiss onto his lips.
"I'll go with you Miles. I'll go with you anywhere, I love you." I respond.

He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead. My skin burns under his touch and I chuckle to myself.

"I love you too, princess."


What's up!!!

I'm gushing at this chapter. They are too cute!
I know you guys want more interaction between them and it's coming haha. Do y'all have a ship name for Charlotte and Miles? I'm curious...

BTW I actually just recently bought pepper spray so that's cool I guess.

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