Chap 5

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I hear fireworks all night long but I don't mind, at least it means that I'm not the only person awake at this hour.

I walk over to the front window and check the bench outside. Nothing.

I close the door and sit in a nearby chair with my head resting on the window. I peer up at the sky as colorful fireworks illuminate the dark night.

Happy Fourth of July.


As I wash the dishes my mind is on Fury.

I've been looking for his truck everyday and of course I've been waiting in the alley to see if he comes by with his friend.

I don't know what's gotten in to me. I'm just always eager to see him or even catch a glimpse of him.

I place the plate on the drying rack and pick up a bowl. My hand scrapes the edges and I realized that its chipped. I look down and see red, oh shit.

I turn off the water and make my way to the first aide kit.

I quickly take myself outside, in fear that the customers might see me and I sit against the wall in the alley.

The cut isn't deep but it's deep enough to make me bleed. I managed to open the kit with one hand but I struggle with unwrapping the bandage.

I hear footsteps and suddenly the heat of a body crouches down beside me.


Where did he come from? I don't care, I want him here.

He's so close now I can smell him, I let myself inhale and breath out as he sits in front of me, eyeing my hand.

His eyes flicker to mine and this is the first time I don't see anger in them. I see worry.
Worry for me?

My heart jumps for him and he reaches out for my bloody hand. Our skins meet and I instantly feel a tingle. I have waited to touch him for so long and it was nothing compared to what I thought it would be. I never want him to let go. I smile to myself and he grazes my cut.

I wince.

He automatically pulls away, knowing that he's hurt me and his face flashes with anger.

"I was washing plates and one was chipped." I explain to him.

He nods his head, clearly relaxing and he grabs the bandages without saying another word. He doesn't look at me.

I study him and let myself check him out. His hair falls slightly on his forehead and his high cheeks shine in the street light. His jaw is clenched in concentration and his lips fall into a small frown.

I wonder what he's thinking.

He places the bandage around my thumb and crosses it around my palm to cover my whole hand. Then he releases my hand and I feel my whole body go cold.

He notices and doesn't move from his spot.

"Thank you." I mumble and look away.

I want him to hold me. I want to gaze into his brown eyes forever. I want him to make love to me. I want everything from him.

Our gazes meet again and my smile grows wider as his face returns to his signature glare.
I muster up the courage to ask the question that I've been dying to know the answer too.

"What's your name?" I ask tilting my head to one side.

"Miles." He responds, without hesitation, in a monotone voice.

Miles. My Fury is Miles. My skin erupts in goosebumps, I feel so good right now. I finally found out his name.

"I'm Charlotte." I tell him.

He narrows his eyes at me and gives me a curt nod.

I hope he likes my name. What if he hates it? My arms cross over my chest and I lean back against the wall. I let my body fully relax and I bring my knees to my chest.

We just stare at each other. It's not awkward, I know we both feel very comfortable. The night engulfs us as we share a moment.


Butterflies fly in my stomach and I chuckle to myself as he continues to glare at me. It feels like we've been in this spot for an eternity and suddenly he stands up.

I want to beg him to stay, to keep me sane but he gives me a small snarl instead and walks away.



Hey y'all!

This is definitely my favorite chapter so far!
What do you think of their names? It took me forever to figure out a name for Fury, but I love Miles.

Is there anything particular that you would like to see happen in the story? Just curious lol

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