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One Year Later


"The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, princess."

I smile to myself as I remember the words of Miles from the first time that we met. So much has happened since then. I've moved in with him and life can't get any better than this.

So in that way, Miles was wrong.

The world is sunshine and rainbows, depending on how you look at it and who you decide to spend your life with.

Two strong arms suddenly wrap around my waist and I lean back into his naked chest. His body relaxes against mine and I sigh in content.

"Morning, Char." He mumbles in my ear.

My stomach still can't contain itself, even after a year, and butterflies burst out. I blush at his raspy morning voice and I spin around to face Miles.

"Good morning to you too. You hungry?" I ask, pecking his lips and then walking towards the kitchen.

He follows me and smirks, "Yes."
I roll my eyes because I know what he really means and I let myself blush.

He leans against the counter as I pull out plates and place them in front of him. His eyes gleam with amusement and I know he's thinking about last night.

Last night was the first time we made love. We decided to wait until we were further along in our relationship to take such a big step. I was so ready to give him all of me but surprisingly Miles was the one who wanted to wait.

He wanted to make sure that it would be special and worth the wait.

Which it was.

We eat in a comfortable silence, sneaking glances at each other like teenagers. I bite my lip trying to keep a straight face but to no avail.

Miles then comes closer to me and brushes up beside me. His muscles flex as he moves, sending my body into override and I moan internally. He knows how to turn me on and that's exactly what he's doing right now.


But as I look up at him, his face shows concern. "Are you okay?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I smile and grasp his hand, giving it a tight squeeze. I know he's referring to last night and my heart leaps in my chest at his care for me.

This man.

"I feel amazing." I respond truthfully, earning a smug grin from him.

"I love you." He tells me, pressing a firm kiss to my cheek.

My core burns instantly, constantly reminding me of the many things he can do to me with that love.

And with that mouth.

I feel my face flush at the thought and he chuckles. "I love you too, Miles." I say.

I've never been this close with someone in my life. This is a whole different level of intimacy. To completely give yourself, literally everything that you are, to the other person just shows how much trust and loyalty is in the relationship.

I love my life with Miles.

We spend almost every minute together, apart from when we work. Miles is still working with Ethan, who we've hung out with a couple of times. I found a job at a local daycare and I spend late afternoons there. No more night shifts for me.

It's different but everything changed drastically when I got with Miles.

He's taken such good care of me and I trust him with my entire life. His love means the world to me and I know that he'll protect me forever. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with him.

So, as I sit and watch him eat his food with a small smile on his lips, my chest clenches for him. I would've never imaged my life ending up like this.

All of our time in the past of not knowing when we'd meet again is gone and I knew we couldn't resist staying away from each other forever. I always had to fight to be close to him but now, he's here with me.

For good.

I reach out and run a hand through his thick hair. He gives me a side glance, smiling.
"What's on your mind, princess?"

I lean close towards him and place a hand under my chin. His soft brown eyes meet mine and time suddenly freezes.

"You." I reply, with my heart beat quickening.

His eyes flash with love and lust. I suck in a breath and lean even closer, inches away from his face.

My eyes flicker down to his plump lips and he licks them, knowing that I'm watching his every move. He then smirks.

"If you want a repeat of last night, all you have to do is ask." He says in a husky voice, making me blush furiously.

I reply by grabbing his face and kissing him hungrily. He groans against my mouth as I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. My mind races to images of us in bed and I smile.

I know now, that this is where I'm meant to be.
The closer I got to Miles, the more sense my life made. Miles is my world and I'm in awe of this reality every day.

And as we kiss passionately and full of desire, there is no doubt in my mind that I'll always stay, right here, as close to Miles as I can be.



Hi y'all!

Sorry that this upload took forever, I've been busy and I wanted to make it really good but I finally finished it!

I'm in my feels, it's been a wild time writing this. I'm so happy with how this story turned out, did you like it? What do you think of the epilogue? I am debating writing a sequel, would y'all be interested? Please let me know!
I want to thank you guys for supporting me and for sticking around haha. I truly hope you enjoyed the book, make sure to vote!

I wish y'all the best in everything, byeeee :)))

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