Chap 7

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The diner is closed for New Years Day but I've left my wallet inside and I hurriedly rush to the door to retreat it.

The knob twists and I swing the door open, revealing my wallet on the kitchen counter.

I'm loosing my mind.

All I can think and dream about is Miles. Maybe he's gone or dead, I don't know, but I do know that I love him with all of my heart.

I grip my wallet and shove it into my jacket pocket before scanning the restaurant. It's pitch black and I can't make out a single thing so I turn on my heel and head for the door.

The night air nips at my cheeks and I pull up my hood to block me from the wind.

A roar of a motorcycle stops me and I instantly look in the direction of the bike. I see two men, one sitting on the motorcycle and the other standing next to him.

I blink, I know that figure anywhere.


He's alive and still looks sexy as hell. I breathe out a sigh and my insides go ballistic. My stomach becomes hot and I grin widely at the sight of him. I missed him so freaking much.

The engine roars again and the man drives off, leaving Miles in the street. I want him to see me, I want to touch him.

I pick up my pace to catch up to him but before I can reach him, he turns the corner and is out of my sight.


I got in trouble that night for forgetting to lock up before I left. I was so focused on Miles that I almost lost my job.

I heave a sigh, oh my Fury.

I place my notepad on the table and stand up to clear my head. I can't afford this right now. I know I shouldn't be doing the things I'm doing but I can't help it.

Talk about trying to get his attention.


I barge out into the alleyway and walk to the corner. My arms hug my body as I realize that I've left without a jacket.


Even though it's well into February the weather here is ruthless and I find myself shivering in the dark abyss of the night.

If only he was here to give me some warmth.

And suddenly, there he is on the bench. His head is in his hands and his body is hunched over. He looks so handsome.

My body lurks towards him silently, I don't want him to get away this time. I need him.
I can feel my heart beating in my ears and I hold a breath as I walk up to him.

I can already feel his heat radiating on me and I smile to myself before letting my hand reach out a tap his shoulder.

He instantly jerks back and sits up in alert. His eyes meet mine and I give him a small wave. My knees go weak at his ruffled up hair and rugged jacket. He's so fine.

He steps back to give us some space and looks up and down my body.

This is the first time he's checked me out. I furiously blush and hear him let out a low growl.

My throat feel dry but I force myself to speak up, "Hello Miles." I say.

His brown eyes snap back up to mine and my heart squeezes in my chest. He licks his lips and rolls his eyes at me before walking in the opposite direction.

Is he avoiding me?

My heart sinks in my stomach and I feel sobs coming out of my mouth.


Hi everyone!

This chapter is sad, awk. Notice how it's been a year since they "met"? That's so crazy to think about.

What do y'all think is going on with Miles?
Any questions?

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