Chap 10

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The whole week I've been smiling nonstop as images of our kiss comes into mind. My body pressed up against his. His hair, his lips, his eyes.

He told me he loves me.

That makes me love him even more, if that's possible.

I can't wait to see him again. I want to smell him and hear him say my name. I blush to myself and place some dishes in the sink.

I don't know much about him but I want to. I'm hoping he wants to open up to me. After all, we just confessed our love for each other so the least he could do is tell me his secrets.

And as for Ethan, I'm not quite sure.

He doesn't look like Miles so they can't be brothers and he sure as hell doesn't seem to be on Miles's good side. I just get an uncertain vibe from him.

I dry my hands on a towel and then pick up my things and head out the back door.


I take my midterms this week, ughhhh

I apologize again for the VERY short chapter but the next one is really long so that will make up for it haha. Also, I found this really nice quote that literally goes with this story and I wanna share it so check it out down below👇🏻

"Till yesterday I used to believe that we fall in love with a persons personality and love at first sight didn't exist. Then you happened. The first time I saw you I could feel the blood in my veins run faster. I could hear my heart beat loudly in my ears. I could feel electricity run all through my body. I could feel a never ending fire inside me. And when our eyes met, I felt how I had wanted to feel for so long, I felt complete. I don't know if it was love at first sight or not but I do know, when you turned around my heart hurt like it never had before."

This is exactly how I like to think Charlotte feels all the time with Miles.

Anyways, thanks for everything!

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