Chap 4

19 3 1


I'm actually surprised and proud of myself that I haven't let anyone notice how distracted I really am at work.

I'm always walking around the alley or looking out the windows in sign of Fury but nobody seems to notice.

Maybe they don't care.

I shrug in response to my thoughts and wipe down the table in front of me. I push in the chairs and move on to the next table.

I made a promise to myself that the next time I see Fury I would ask him his name.

I need to figure him out. For my sake.

I wipe down the table and push in the chairs. Then I move to the booths and wipe them down too.

I don't like cleaning.


Summer is almost here and the sun is blazing outside. But thank God I work the night shifts.

I pick up my things and head out the back door and to my car. My feet are the only sound echoing in the dark night as I reach the end of the alley.

My keys jingle in my hand and when I turn the corner I notice that my car isn't the only one in the parking lot.

Suddenly a man shoots up from behind the car and his back is facing me. The car is a big truck and he seems to be fixing one of the back wheels.

He's only a few spots down from my car so I walk silently over to him. I clutch my keys and approach him.

It's Fury.

I practically leap for joy and I stop right behind him as he crouches down to fix the tire. At least I know that he drives a truck. I want to know everything about him.

His back flexes with every move that he makes and I resist the urge to reach out and touch him.

He senses me and stops. I hold my breath and open my mouth but he speaks first.

"What the hell do you want, princess."

I realize how much I missed his voice and even though it sounds cruel and mean, I'm comforted by it. My stomach flips, if only he knew what he does to me.

I shake those thoughts away and sigh at him, "Do you need some help?" I ask hoping to make conversation.

Fury slowly drops his tools and stands up, still facing away from me. I see his jaw clench and my cheeks flush, I want to touch him so bad.

He runs a hand through his thick hair and I wait for his response. Then quickly, he turns around and I lock eyes with him.

I bite my lip to hold back a literal moan because damn, I love his eyes and of course everything else about him.

He growls and steps away from me, I feel a pang of hurt. Last time we were so close to each other. His face reflects anger and my grin fades away.

"Stay the fuck away from me." He replies and then he stomps away into the dark.

My heart sinks in my chest and my eyes become wet. I feel my throat closing up and my body suddenly feels heavy.

Why is it that every time we meet, he is always the one to walk away?


I thought it over and I shouldn't have interrupted Fury like that. Maybe he wanted to be alone, I know I do sometimes.

I know I didn't have a right to just walk up to him but now I'm getting frustrated. Every time I think we are getting somewhere he walks away, literally.

I rub my face with the palms of my hand and I just want to scream in frustration at him.

Can't he see that I'm falling in love with him?

I don't even know his name and I think I would die for him.

That's what I'm frustrated about.


Hello, beautiful souls!

I'm gushing over them, ugh. I know that it might be frustrating bc y'all want the story to move along (I was also frustrated when writing it) but I think that it defines the characters.

Also, the set time in the story will always be changing so pay attention for that!

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