Chap 9

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My hands grip his collar and we lock eyes. My body wants to melt into his. The electricity of our bodies combine and I can feel my breath hitch in my throat.

God, this feels so fucking good.

He opens his mouth and pauses for a moment.

Say something.

"You drive me insane."

And his lips crash onto mine.


I'm taken aback but I instantly respond and deepen the kiss by wrapping my arms around his neck. He groans in my mouth and it makes my core hot. If he weren't holding me I would surely go limp.

I can taste the smoke from the cigarette in our kiss but that makes me want to kiss him even more.
I love it.

His hands clutch me tightly and my stomach erupts into a million butterflies.

I can't believe this is happening.

I pull away for air but his lips move down to my neck. I moan softly in his ear and feel his body relax under my touch. My fingers run through his hair as I press up against him, never wanting him to let me go.

He bites and marks me and I do the same in return.

My mind is running at a hundred miles an hour and my body can't process the surge that he gives me. This is so surreal.

His arms wrap around my waist and I can tell what he wants me to do so I jump and wrap my legs around his waist.

He moves me against the brick wall of the alley and even though the wall is cold, his body is all the warmth that I need.

He reaches up behind me and grabs a fistful of my hair. My skin tingles and sparks fly as our lips meet again and he begs me for entrance with his tongue.

I let him.

He explores me and I grip fistfuls of his shirt, wanting to feel as close to him as possible. I pull away for air again because I'm so overwhelmed by this that my heart can't seem to pump blood fast enough.

He kisses up my jaw and clutches my thighs with his big hands.

I just want all of him, I can't get enough.

My fingers grip his hair and he shivers slightly, I smirk to myself and nudge my cheek against him.
I love him so much.

His lips part and suddenly he nibbles on my ear, I gasp and his chest rumbles as he chuckles in my ear. His chuckle is the hottest thing that I've ever heard and I get goosebumps at the sound.

"Miles." I moan out.

And suddenly he pulls away, looking intensely at me as I try to catch a breath.

"I love it when you say my name." He whispers so softly that I almost missed it.

I place my feet back on the ground and I grin widely up at him. My heart beats for this man and I wouldn't want this moment to change for the world.

I cup his cheek and is hands gently caress my hips. What am I going to do with this man?

I peck his lips lightly once more and we step apart from each other. I instantly regret the decision and I see his eyes gaze over my body slowly.

"I'm sorry," He says and looks at the ground. "I'm sorry about everything. You wouldn't understand."

Just when I think that I can't love him even more, he does stuff like this and I want to burst with affection. He apologized.

I give him a small smile.
"I don't need to understand, I just need you."

Then he smiles back. Like a big smile. It's the most genuine smile I've ever seen.
I almost pass out but thankfully he closes the space between us and holds my arms in his hands.

I'm overcome with lust for him and I can't take my eyes off of him. Fury.

"I love you." I blurt out.

His face breaks into a grin and I find myself grinning back at him. I'm so breathless.

"I love you too, princess."

Our lips collide and I hug my arms around him as he does the same. My body heats up and I can't help but smile against his lips.

He pulls away slowly chuckling at me. I want this moment to last forever. I want to make him happy. I'll surely die because of his love.

"Hey bro!"

Our bodies flinch apart and I turn around to find Miles's friend walking towards us. His eyes land on me and he stops. I know he recognizes me. A slow smirk raises on his mouth and he looks up at Miles.

"So this is the girl?" He asks him.

What does that mean? He knows who I am?
Does Miles talk about me?

Miles places a firm hand on the small of my back and steps slightly in front of me, protecting me. I blush and look at Miles who's jaw is clenched.

"Yes, Ethan." He spits out.

Are they rivals? What's with the tension?

My eyebrows furrow and I look over at Ethan who just shrugs in response and sighs.
"Whatever man, we gotta go." He tells Miles before glancing over at me.

What are they not telling me? What's going on?

Miles seems to feel my confusion and he places a hand on the back of my neck, forcing me to look at his gorgeous face.

"I'll see you around, Charlotte." He whispers to me and my eyes flutter closed as he kisses my forehead. I just nod.

My palms start to get sweaty and I lick my lips as he pulls away from me. His eyes bore into mine and I can tell he wants to say something else but Ethan interrupts.

"Now, bro."

Miles growls at him before hastily following him out of the alley way. My body goes cold at the loss of his presence and I place a hand on the wall to steady myself.

So much has just happened in the past 10 minutes I might collapse from an overdose on emotions.


What's up y'all!

This is definitely another favorite chapter of mine! They said 'I love you' to each other awww. I love them together but secrets can't stay hidden forever. Tea will be spilt!

What's your impression of Ethan? Good or Bad?

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