Chap 12

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Days seem longer now but the nights are worse. I picture myself alongside Miles and then my heart clenches in my chest, not knowing when I'll see him again.

The lights in the town stopped working earlier and the streets are illuminated by the stars in the sky.

It's the most beautiful sight I've ever seen and I wish I could share it with Miles.

I rub my eyes with my palms and let out a deep sigh. How is our relationship supposed to work if we don't see each other often?

I see myself creating a future with Miles but we can't go on like this. Am I rushing this? I wonder what Miles thinks.

All I want is to have a normal relationship but then again nothing is normal with Miles.


Summer has started and the diner is in full swing. Mostly teenagers fill the long nights and I'm unfortunately stuck with them.

I place an order and step outside to take my break. The air is steamy from the kitchen and I hastily shove my notepad in my apron, trying to clear my head.

Suddenly, I hear glass shatter and I spin around to see an old man stumble towards me. He grins at me and places a hand on the wall to steady himself.

He's drunk.

I panic and reach for the handle of the door but he rushes towards me and grips my wrist. I yelp and struggle to move but he holds me down.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks, slurring his words.

I crinkle my nose at the smell of his breath and my heart beats loudly in my ears. "Let me go or I'll call the cops." I spit out.

He laughs evilly and his grip tightens on my wrists, surely leaving a mark. I debate screaming but before I can, he shoves me against the brick wall and knocks my head in the process.

That's going to hurt tomorrow.

"Don't worry, I'll let you go once I'm done with you. I promise I won't take long." He tells me, laughing again.

I feel my lips tremble and my eyes start to water but I refuse to just let him take me. So I lift up my knee with all the energy in me and I kick him in between his legs.

He grunts and stumbles backwards, giving me enough space to run off. My breathing quickens and I instinctively kick him flat in the stomach which makes him fall to the ground.

"Shitty scumbag." I hiss at him before slipping back inside and making sure to lock the door behind me.

I lean against the door and hug myself tightly. The thought of him actually taking advantage of me makes my throat close up and a small whimper leaves my mouth.

Oh Charlotte, what have you gotten yourself into?


Hey people! Happy Spring Break!

I hope everything is well with y'all, I'm doing just fine :) this story is slowly but surely coming to an end in a couple chapters so thank you for everything you've done for me!

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