Chap 2

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I see him the next week, just walking past the diner. I watch out the window and gawk at his height.
I didn't realize that he's a giant.

His head is down and he strides powerfully not making eye contact with anybody. Then suddenly he's out of my view and I'm left feeling alone.


This man will surely be the death of me.

I can't seem to stop fantasizing about him. What does he smell like? What do his lips feel like?

Jesus Christ.

I surprisingly find myself waiting in the alley more often now. I want him to come here so that I can see him.

I cross my arms over my chest and pace briskly. It's the middle of January and the weather is starting to warm up. I don't like the cold.

My feet stop and my head snaps up at the sound of someone clearing their throat. I meet his gaze and my face becomes hot.


I have to mentally stop myself from breaking into a smile.

Even though I hate to admit that I'm excited about seeing him I can clearly tell that he's annoyed and somewhat angry. But why?

I study his posture and notice that he's clenching his fists. I didn't do anything to anger him, what the hell is his problem?

"I work here." I blurt out.

He rolls his eyes at me and it makes him ten times hotter. "Oh I know, princess." He tells me.

That voice.

I gulp and feel my core get hot. He is affecting me so much right now, that can't be good.

His outfit is distracting too. The white shirt that stops just above his washed jeans and leaves a sliver of imagination. His broad chest moving with every breath he takes. His hair is pushed back and makes his skin look so pure.


"By the way, you can't smoke here." I remark thinking about the other time I found him smoking on our premises.

He takes a few steps forward with a blank face and I can literally feel the heat coming off of him. I want him to touch me so bad.

My eyes roam his muscular body again but my thoughts are cut off by his bold voice.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do." He hisses at me.

Our eyes meet briefly and I can tell that he's pissed off and then he turns around and leaves again.

What just happened?


I replay the conversation in my head over and over again. He sounded so violent and just mad, I don't know what I did wrong. I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt because we all have shit we deal with.

I rest my head in my chin and scan the people seated in the diner.

I can't focus on anything but him.

Why am I attracted to a man who's name I don't even know?


More weeks pass by with no sign of the man and I slip into a state of longing. I'm crazy to miss him because I don't even know him. My mind always plays tricks on me and I truly realize that I may never see him again.

But I have decided to name him Fury, just for the hell of it.

I chuckle to myself as I head to lock the front door of the diner. My fingers fumble with the keys in my hand and I look out the door into the dark night.

I flip the 'open' sign so that it now says 'closed' and before closing the door I make out a figure across the road.

A man is sitting on a bench, elbows on his knees, smoking a cigarette. My heart jumps to my throat and I push the door wider to be able to make out his face.

Sure enough, it's Fury.

I meet his eyes and we share a moment, or maybe I'm making it up but I feel giddy inside. Just knowing that he's here makes my lips turn into a small smile.

He isn't smoking on the premises, he did what I told him to do.

This makes my smile grow into a wide grin and my chest feels like it's about to burst. This man isn't even talking to me but I feel like I know him a bit better already.

His face still hasn't shown any sign of emotion but I don't care. I can feel his emotions even without his face showing it.

So I blush furiously, still maintaining eye contact with Fury. He puffs some smoke again and flicks his cigarette on the ground before leaning back on the bench and man spreading.

So freaking hot.

I lean against the door and just stare at him. I want to take him all in. He doesn't seem to mind because he stares right back.

This seems to be a conversation in itself.

His eyebrows suddenly furrow for a split second before he glares at me. I don't feel hate from his glare but instead feel protected in a way.

So I proceed to close the door slowly, taking my time to catch another glimpse of Fury before fully locking the door and closing the diner.

I know I'll see him again and this gives me a sense of relief that no matter what, he'll be a constant in my life.


Hey, what do you think of the nickname Fury?
I like it and I also love how quirky the girl is, she reminds me of me!

Btw I chose the nickname Fury bc I loved the definition which literally says 'wild or violent anger' and that describes him perfectly so yeah.

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