party without me

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*the next day*
I woke up smiling. Which was new for me because I've never been a happy person. I checked my phone and noticed I got a text from Asher.
Ash(er) Want me to pick you up? Riding to school in style😉😋
Ann(ie) I would love that 😘
Ash Got it. Be there at 7. Address?
Ann 45 Maple Avenue. See you soon ;)
Ash Ok Julianna 😂
I threw my phone down and picked out my favorite outfit, a black off the shoulder with white jeans and black converse.
I finished getting ready and went downstairs to eat breakfast.
I heard a car honk and ran outside before I could eat anything. I got into his car and he welcomed me with an iced coffee from dunkin donuts and a bagel.
“You're the best.” I smiled and took the food and drink.
“Anything for you, julianna.” He grinned.
We arrived at school and we walked in together. I saw Kenzie and waved her over.
“Kenzie what's up?”
“Why are you with this dork? Come on Annie you're too good for him.” Kenzie said.
I stood there for a second before I looked at Asher with sorrow in my eyes and mouthed “sorry” and walked away with kenzie.
“You shouldn't hang out with him. He's weird.”
“He's my friend Kenzie and you shouldn't tell me what to do.” I replied angrily.
I walked away upset and went into the bathroom.
Out of nowhere I started crying. The fact that kenzie was telling me not to hang out with Asher made me so upset.
Jayden walked into the bathroom with Bella and Addison laughing.
Bella saw me crying and ran over and hugged me. “Annie whats wrong?” She asked.
“Kenzie.” I explained vividly.
“What did she do?” Jayden asked.
“She tried to tell me that I cant hang out with a-” I started. I couldn't tell them who it was. They would boss me around too.
“Its ok. You're not alone.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“She made me drop my friend, Connor.” Jayden said sadly.
“Bella? Addison?”
“She made me drop Sofie.” Bella said.
“Riley.” Addison said ashamed.
“What the heck. We can't just let her do this to us!”
“Well what are we supposed to do. We can't just stop being friends with her she'll kill us.” Bella argued.
A few seconds later kenzie walked in. “Party without me?”
I walked out of the bathroom. No one followed me. What great friends I have. I thought. I just wanted to go home and be alone.

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