Chapter 2

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"So, we're all gathered here in discussion of what to do in the wake of our beloved Princess Peach's passing," Mario sighed as he gathered everyone's attention. "Obviously, there is no Princess for Bowser to kidnap anymore, so there's that..."

"What am I actually supposed to do with my life?" Bowser shook his head in disbelief.

"Well, now that Peach is gone, I think we should open up trade between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Koopa Kingdom," Pauline declared, despite having no political party in either kingdom. The actual leaders of each kingdom gasped in shock, and Pauline continued on. "Why do you all need to feud any longer? Everything's settled now."

"Talk with the enemy so soon?" Luigi murmured. "That goes against everything I've ever learned..."

"I second that," Boo sneered. "There may be no princess, but why does the Koopa Kingdom have to deal with these airheaded, optimistic idiots?"

"Well, think of all the benefits," Pauline continued her idea. "Could spread gold, trade valuables and make alliances just in case of war..."

"I think she's right!" Dixie agreed optimistically, looking at the brunette excitedly. "There's so many benefits compared to not! Oh, and the Kong Jungle could help too! Right, Donkey Kong?"

"We could spread food and whatever gals in the jungle, I guess..." Donkey Kong replied. "The only thing we need as payment is bananas!"

"As long as there's bananas, that's okay," Diddy agreed. "I'm in!"

"Of course it is," Birdo scoffed slightly. "What do you think, Yoshi?"

"Sounds great, but does that mean Mario and I aren't going on anymore adventures?" Yoshi questioned, and sighed when everyone shook their head yes. "Well, that's boring..."

"Regardless of if it's boring, I think it's a great idea," Toadette smiled warmly.

"Yeah," Toad nodded. "We must create a positive kingdom in the wake of Peach's death..."

"So, does everyone agree?"

Everyone nodded.

"Alright. Then the alliance of the Mushroom Kingdom, the Koopa Kingdom, and the Kong Jungle has been created!" Mario exclaimed. "Okay, now on other terms... what are we going to do with Princess Daisy?"

"What do you mean 'what are we going to do?'" Pauline asked, raising her brow. "She killed Rosalina. Regardless of everyone's resurrection, she still committed murder. Never let her out. Ever."

"Then Sarasaland is left without a ruler..." Rosalina pointed out nervously after no one had spoken.

"Does Sarasaland even need a ruler so corrupt?" Dixie questioned, and Diddy stared in shock as she was normally the more optimistic one. "I-I know it's weird for me t say it, but... she tried to kill Rosalina! Rosalina is so sweet, and... that's so mean!"

"To attack someone not even from our world," Birdo agreed. "Gives us all such a terrible reputation."

"So, what? Who will rule Sarasaland if not for Princess Daisy?" Mario questioned.

"...I don't think that's the big issue here," Luigi said quietly. "Allowing Daisy to leave without any penance while she's still feeling... murderous is dangerous. There is no choice. She has to be removed from the throne. We can worry about who takes her place later. We need to worry about what punishment Daisy will have."

"The Koopa Kingdom can hold her in custody," Bowser grinned evilly. "Peach's replacement, in a way."

"No, she might like that," Pauline huffed. "She'd be getting the attention she wants if we did that."

"We should just let her rot in the Mushroom Kingdom dungeon," Birdo offered. "What is she going to gain there?"

"That does sound like a pretty good idea," Donkey Kong hummed in approval. "I can't think of anything else.."

"I agree," Diddy Kong shrugged. "What could go wrong?"

"B-But... she's a princess... we can't leave her there forever..." Rosalina interjected softly after stammering for a moment. "People are going to ask questions... they're going to confused because... I-I'm still alive..."

"Why do we care?" Diddy questioned.

"Reputation," Toad nodded, sighing. Years of managing Peach's affairs had given him valuable knowledge in the royal works. "It'll seem like we prisoned Sarasaland's beloved princess for no reason...obviously we can't leave her there."

"So it seems we're at an impasse," Toadette piped up. "What are we going to do? She's obviously mentally ill if she can justify killi Rosalina... do we let her go and risk her murdering more, or do we keep her and risk riots from the people?"

hey everyone! this chapter is a little under but everyone got to talk in this chapter! minus daisy lol. we locked daisy into a corner. oops.

y'all think you're so smart hehe... mwahaha

this is why i shouldn't be left with writing

what do you think should happen to daisy?

thanks for reading!

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