Chapter 10

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"Well obviously she's lying!"

"No, he is!"

Everyone watched in confusion as the two bickered back and forth. Eventually, Bowser called for them to become silent.

"Alright settle down!" He shouted, forcing the others into silence. "We've got a liar among us. I need some time to think."

"Well, one of them is obviously a mafia," Pauline crossed her arms. She was doing her best to think of which one it could be. As much of a tough front that she put on, she couldn't believe that one of them was lying. "So I say we take out both. That way, we get rid of one."

"B-By take out, do you mean kill?" Toadette's face paled considerably. "We can't do that! If we kill, we're just as bad as the mafia!"

"But this is self defense! If we don't do anything, we're just waiting around to die!" Donkey Kong argued. "We don't need to be sitting ducks, there's no point in that."

"B-B-But...That's awful."

"...Honestly, I think Yoshi's lying," Pauline spoke, crossing her arms. "Why would Dixie interrupt him? If she was lying, then this is just an obvious way to get herself killed. It makes more sense that she's just trying to counterclaim."

"But... Why would Yoshi even come out with a he information in the first place if he was even lying?" Birdo defended him, not wanting them to jump to conclusions. "Yoshi would never lie!"

"But neither would Dixie. And obviously, one of them is lying," Luigi pointed out. "Unless there's two cops, but I don't think Kaira said there was. So we have two seemingly innocent people...But one of them is lying for sure."

It was silent.

"Honestly, I say we just kill them both. Then we get rid of a liar for sure," Boo shrugged nonchalantly, eliciting a sigh from everyone else.

"Boo, would you shut your damn mouth for once in your life?" Bowser growled. Despite being an ally, he was still frustrated with Boo not caring whatsoever. "We're trying to make an actual decision here!"

"Yeah, yeah. Hear me out," Boo rolled his eyes, sticking his tongue out tauntingly. "By doing this, we ensure that one of the liars is killed. If I need to do the math for you, then that's one third of the mafia completely obliterated."

"But by doing your strategy...We kill a cop... Not t-to mention an innocent. O-One of them may be lying, but one of them is telling the truth," Rosalina pointed out quietly. "We don't lose our investigator.."

"Why couldn't the mafia just leave us alone?" Toad said bitterly, Toadette holding his hand. She was trying to console him to no avail. "We just want to live. Is that too much to ask for..?"

"But... Boo's kinda right. I'd rather get rid of a known mafia for sure," Donkey Kong agreed slowly. "Regardless of the sacrifices we have to make. I'd really rather lose one than all of us."

"If that's what Donkey Kong suggests, then I agree," Pauline nodded, her gray eyes examining everyones shocked faces. "Oh, come on now. We need to start doing something! Do you think I want to sit around and wait to die?"

"Well, no... But this is kinda extreme," Birdo spoke up, looking uncertain for once. Her usual cold demeanor was nowhere to be seen as she was genuinely worried for Yoshi's safety. "I-I don't think we should do this."

"Wow, Birdo actually cares for once," Boo scoffed, making the red-bowed Birdo glare at him.

"I don't want anyone to die!" Birdo shook her head in annoyance. "Honestly, you annoy me so much sometimes!"

"Well, honestly, I do think we should follow Boo's idea," Diddy said nervously. "I have no idea how else to find anyone, and no one else was suspicious from the 'cop results' from our 'cops'..."

"So what are we supposed to do? Just grab a knife and stab them?"

Silence filled the room.

"W-W-We aren't actually going to do that, right?" Luigi asked anxiously. "I-I really don't want to see that."

"No, we won't do that," Donkey Kong said. "We'll have to shoot them instead."

"WHAT!?" Toad burst out in surprise. "We're going to kill our own teammates!?"

"Did you think it was a coincidence that this gun appeared?" Boo asked casually, glancing over at the gun that had materialized on the ground.

"When did that get there...?" Toadette paled as she held onto Toad tighter.

"Like ten minutes ago," Boo replied casually, making everyone groan in annoyance.

"...D-Diddy, it's okay. If I-I have to die in order f-for the traitor to b-be revealed, it's okay," Dixie said softly, making Yoshi glare at her.

"You're going to kill me, the cop!?" Yoshi crossed his arms. "How does that make sense... Shoot her!"

"...So what's the deal? Are we going to shoot them both?" Pauline asked. The two that were accused stood still, eyes wide in fear. To die to the mafia was one thing. To die from their own teammates...!

"We shouldn't be turning... Against each other," Rosalina interjected softly.

"How else do you want to find the mafia?" Bowser sighed, grabbing the gun. "It's a guaranteed kill on at least one of the mafia..."

"I'm sorry."

hey everyone! hope you enjoyed. ive has an awful day so i hope this chapter makes you guys feel better :)

what did you think of this chapter?

who lied; yoshi or dixie? or was it kaira? (jk)

thanks for reading!

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