Chapter 9

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"Who did this!??"

Toad was absolutely livid as he knelt next to Mario's body. Blood was pooling beneath Mario's body and his eyes were glazed over. Toad was devastated. He'd failed to save Peach, and now he failed to save his second leader. His world was falling apart in front of him. Horrified screeches escaped some of those in the room.

"How could they take Mario!?" Toad's face was red with rage and Toadette did her best to console him. Luigi only stared, a blank expression on his paled face. He'd lost Daisy and then he'd lost Mario. What was next?

"Mario..." Rosalina only stared at the ground, despondent. He'd been her voice as of late. Now he was gone. How was she supposed to do anything now?

"Seems they're getting smarter," Pauline observed, rather indifferent about Mario's death. "They're taking out our leaders."

"Daisy wasn't a leader though," Birdo scoffed. "She was stupidly insane."

"There was something wrong with her mentally. It's not her fault," Toadette defended the deceased girl. "Let us not speak ill of the dead..."

"By leaders, I meant Peach and Mario," Pauline clarified. "Now we only have Mr. Princess-Stealer with us."

"Hey. She loved me," Bowser rolled his eyes. "So does that mean I'm next? Bodyguard or doctor should be on me. After all, if they're striking our leaders, it only makes sense that I'm next."

"Honestly, I think we should split up," Birdo said, rolling her eyes at Bowser. "We're not getting anything done. We're still getting picked off one by one. If we're in smaller groups, then we can discern who it is."

"That's... Actually not a horrible idea," Donkey Kong said. "Maybe we should try that."

"Y-Y-Yeah, maybe splitting up will be good!" Dixie agreed nervously, hoping everyone thought she had an actual opinion instead of just agreeing with others. They wouldn't be wrong if they guessed the latter. "I-I mean, it's easier for us to f-find the mafia..."

"No. Absolutely not. That's a horrible idea!" Bowser shook his head in complete disagreement. "What if all three mafia are in one group!? Then they'll slaughter that group and move on to the next without anyone knowing. While we're all together we can monitor everyone's actions."

"Plus, if we split into groups, there's less witnesses," Boo supplied his opinion with an eye roll. "More time to sneak off."

"You're right. Splitting is an awful decision," Birdo scoffed once again. She adjusted the red bow atop her head and shifted from side to side uncomfortably. "What shall we do then?"

"Well, the cop should have some information then, right?" Toadette suggested, still comforting Toad. "They should share."

"...You're right, I do have information," Yoshi started to say until Dixie interrupted him.

"W-W-What!?? You liar!" Dixie cut him off, surprised that Yoshi would even claim to be the cop. "I'm the cop!"

"No, you're the liar!" Yoshi shifted his eyes to Dixie in slight anxiety. He was confused as to why Dixie would say she was the cop. "I found information."

"So did I!" Dixie argued, glancing at everyone pleadingly. "Y-You k-know what that i-information was? T-the first time, it was that Toad was non suspicious. The second time, I-It showed me t-that Yoshi was a member of the mafia!"

"Okay, you're going too far with this joke," Yoshi crossed his arms at Dixie, annoyed. "I found out that Mario was non suspicious and that Pauline was also non suspicious!"

"One of you is lying," Bowser looked at them suspiciously. "But who is it?"


"Kaira, do you really think they'll succeed?"

Saiko asked the leader of the mafia the question rather worriedly. While she was still skeptical of the new recruits, she didn't want them to die. If they failed, then that was it. Kaira and Saiko couldn't afford to waste any more time on this kingdom, it was time to move on. Really, Saiko just thought the two of them should go out and slaughter them, but Kaira insisted on playing this 'game'.

"...I believe they're more competent than the other mafia," Kaira replied, crossing her right leg over her left in her throne. "I believe in them. They're smart. I'm sure they're causing chaos as we speak."

"Was it really smart to include the veteran and the bodyguard role!?" Saiko questioned, not realizing what she was getting herself into as Kaira's eyes narrowed.

"Are you questioning me?" Kaira's eyes that lacked of pupils glared slightly. "I'm here to watch a show. They knew the risks."

"R-Right... S-Sorry," Saiko mumbled. "I hope everything goes accordingly to plan."

Kaira grinned maniacally, watching the screens in front of her.

"Trust me, it will."

hey everyone! look, it's another update for this book. wow!

question of the chapter: which 'cop' is lying? or are they both lying?

thanks for reading!

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