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"So, what are we supposed to do now?"

Everyone stared at Bowser, who shrugged nonchalantly.

"I mean it," Bowser repeated, glancing around at the many corpses before staring back at the ground. It was disgusting to see so much gore, especially when it was the bodies of his new friends. "What do we do now? Rosalina, shouldn't you know? What normally happens?"

"Er...Well..." Rosalina paused, smoothing down her elegant turquoise dress. "I don't know. Nothing normally happens...I normally just waited around, and something happened that brought everyone back to life."

"Are you serious?" Bowser rolled his eyes at her explanation disbelievingly. "So you mean that everything was just solved for you? What are we supposed to do now-"

"Quite honestly, I have no idea," Luigi shrugged his shoulders. "...Could we leave this room? It's quite disgusting."

They all nodded, exiting the blood filled room. Suddenly, a solution dawned upon one of them.

"Oh! We could try to use a one up mushroom, like the first time," Rosalina suggested, and the other two nodded in approval. They headed to the Mushroom Kingdom vault, where a large, bolted door stood in their pathway.

"Um...do you know the code by any chance?" Bowser questioned, and the others shrugged awkwardly.

"I'm from space..."

"They never trusted me with anything like that," Luigi said awkwardly. Bowser shrugged, and then promptly punched the door as hard as he could.

The vault door crumpled under his strength, and they casually walked in. After a bit of walking, the found a mountain top of one up mushrooms.

"I wonder how many this is!" Luigi marveled in amazement as they began to shovel the mushrooms into a bag. "This could save everyone almost eighty times..."

"So this is why I could never beat Mario," Bowser grumbled unhappily as they headed back to the room. "Unfair. I did everything the right way, but he got super cool power ups and everything..."

They finally made it back, and hovered over Mario's corpse. Luigi gently gave the one-up to Mario, waiting patiently for it to work it's wonders.

A moment passed.

Nothing happened.

"I-I don't understand," Luigi stammered, looking desperately at his brothers dead body. "Why isn't this working? Why-"

"...It's the same as Peach," Bowser said solemnly, glancing over everyone's dead body. "...They must not be able to be revived. The magic of the game is here..."

"Does that means we can't save them...?" Rosalina questioned, alarm on her face.

"I suppose not..."

"What do we do now?" Luigi immediately panicked, clutching at his deceased brother. "We don't have Mario! We don't have Peach, we don't even have Daisy! Who's going to rule these kingdoms!"

"...Rosalina will stay in charge of the universe," Bowser declared solemnly, a master plan devising in his head. "I'll continue to lead the Koopa Kingdom...and Luigi, you'll take control of the Mushroom Kingdom."

"What? Me?" Luigi's eyes widened in shock. "But-But what about the others-"

"We're just going to have to adjust to this new life," Bowser said, glancing at his two different co-rulers. "A world without everyone. It's going to be weird...but maybe we can try to live out in peace, just like they wanted before all of this."

"That sounds great," Rosalina nodded. "Well, what..what do you think, Luigi?"

Luigi looked at his brother, and then back up at the other two rulers. Could he step into Mario's and Peach's shoes? Well, he really had no choice. Besides, this was what he'd wanted all along! He found himself nodding.

"It's a great idea. And one day, we'll find those mafia...and make them pay."

hey everyone! so sorry for the wait. i remember i started this awhile back, then wattpad deleted my progress so i gave up. i finally came back to it :)

thank you so so so much for reading! let me know what you thought about it. love you all so much for following this trilogy, have a wonderful day and thank you <3

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