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"Well, it's gotta be Bowser!"

Luigi accusingly glanced at the Koopa King, who shook his large head in disbelief and disappointment.

"Okay, Luigi, that's just pathetic," Bowser rolled his eyes. "Don't lie. You just won't admit the truth, and you want a scapegoat so that you don't have to face the obvious!"

"The truth? What-"

"It's your precious Rosalina!" Bowser taunted, crossing his arms. Toad gasped upon hearing the accusation.

"But...No way!" Toad shook his head. "I swear that it's Bowser! This just proves it even more!"

"I wouldn't kill..." Rosalina paled considerably at the accusation. She never considered the idea that of being accused.

"Not even to get revenge on those who have wronged you?" Bowser said knowingly. He was quite familiar with wanting to hurt anyone who had disobeyed him. "Daisy, Mario, Boo..."

"Mario and Boo never wronged me.."

"Mario never gave you the recognition you deserved," Bowser reminded her. "He practically forgot about you. It was Peach who suggested you come back."

"...Why do you know that?" Toad questioned, making Bowser redden.

"I-It's not important!" Bowser snarled, not liking being interrupted. "Boo is just rude to everyone. You wanted to take us all out for forgetting about you! Your timidity was just a front!"

"No...T-That can't be true..." Luigi glanced over, shaking his head in horror. He couldn't face Rosalina in fear of what he'd see. "No way..."

"That's crazy," Toad crossed his arms. "Rosalina has always been kind...!"

"It's not hard to fake," Bowser frowned. "It's one of us...and quite frankly, there's no one else for it to be but her!"

"No...Please..." Rosalina bit her lip. "He's wrong... I wouldn't do that..."

"We have no other leads," Bowser reminded him. "Why don't you just follow me? I promise, you won't regret it. It's got to be her!"

"...Rosie..." Luigi sighed heavily. "...Okay. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But he's right, we have no other leads-"

"L-Luigi..." Rosalina looked absolutely devastated as he allied against her. She desperately glanced at Toad, who avoided eye contact. "Please help...!"

"I-I'm so sorry, Rosalina," Toad continued to avoid her eyes, knowing he'd break if he felt any sort of guilt. "But I agree..."

"So the vote is unanimous?" Bowser confirmed, and everyone reluctantly nodded. Rosalina sniffled at the accusations.

"...I'm so, so sorry, Rosie," Luigi felt the back of his throat dry, and he could barely force any words out. He didn't want to make a decision, but he was frankly just unsure of everything now. "...I think it is you....Am I wrong?"

"Yes..." Rosalina quivered, covering her face so that she didn't have to face everyone. "You're...You're so wrong...I just...! I JUST...!"

"Rosalina, stop pretending!" Bowser called her out on her stubbornness, angered by her refusal to admit the truth. "We know it's you! Give up, admit it, and accept your defeat!"

"I need to know if it's actually you," Luigi frowned, disparate. He didn't want anyone to die...even though he knew Rosalina was guilty. "Please...Just admit it. I won't let them hurt you!"

"It's...It's going to be okay," Toad tried to approach the situation as if he was comforting a wounded animal. "Tell us who's forcing you into this. We can help you.."

"No ones into anything!" Rosalina finally managed to raise her voice above a calm tone as she grew hysterical. "You guys have it all wrong...all...wrong!"

"Just calm down," Toad said cautiously as she grew more upset. "It's okay. We can move past this, we don't have to worry anymore...Just...Just admit to it. Please."

"I can't admit to something I didn't do!"

The lights immediately blacked out, and everyone instantly screamed for their lives. Terror overtook all of them. They couldn't see anything in the ominous shadows, but they could most certainly hear the screams of everyone else surrounded.

"No...I didn't want this to happen," The mafia muttered as the lights turned back on, and three bodies lay dead beside them. The voice screeched over the intercom. "Why did you kill them!? Why? I wanted these last people to survive!"

"You knew it going in. You wanted them all to die, didn't you? Mission accomplished. Congratulations."

"Not everyone!" The mafia protested, glancing at the dead bodies. "Kaira...Please, go back. I don't want this!"

"Do you think I can just...rewind time or something!?" The voice sneered, disdain prominent in their tone. "No. Even if I could, I'm out raiding another Kingdom. Clean up the mess, won't you?"

"Wait, Kaira!" The mafia cursed as the intercom disappeared, leaving them with the bodies of everyone strewn around. The mafioso walked over to Rosalina's body, shutting her eyes gently. With a resigned look, the mafioso stood and walked out.

"Goodbye, my friends."

uh oh! better go look for the murderer in another part...

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