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Luke's POV

I push my way through the sea of people and try to find my grandmother. Lilly and Ashton aren't far behind so I don't have to worry about losing them.

Finally I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. My grandmother stood there with her arms wide open. I stood there awkwardly. I didn't embrace her like I used to. The last time she saw me was when I was 15. I'm not the happy cheery Luke I used to be. I'm the depressed mute 18 year old Luke. I will never be the old Luke again. Never.

She dropped her arms and frowned like she expected me to hug her. I rolled my eyes. Lilly and Ashton came up behind her. "Hey Grandma Joy!!" she said happily and hugged her. "Hello Lilly how long has he had that," she was referring to my lip ring. "About a year." she said back. She turned her head and looked behind Lilly at Ashton. "And who is this fine young man?" she asked.

"Hello, I'm Ashton Irwin." he said smiling. "Oh this must be the man your mother said would be coming with you." Ashton nodded.

She sighed. "Alright well go get your suitcases so we can go." she said and we turned to go get them. I saw my red suitcase and I grabbed it. Then Lilly grabbed her blue one and Ashton his black. We walked back to her. "Okay well lets go." she said and she walked towards the exit. We followed.

We got in her gray camery and drove for awhile. I began to get tired so I rested my forehead on the window seal. I looked out the window. We passed a couple big buildings and a bank before we took a sharp left and drove down a street called James st.

We stopped at a light and started again. Then we took another left and drove into a neighbor hood. We passed a community pool and a work out place before driving past a bunch of houses that looked the same. They all had a tan tint for the color a sort of obtuse triangle roof and a black mail box beside the driveway.

Finally we stopped at a house. It looked a little different than the others. It had a small garden by the steps and two rose bushes by the mail box.

We pulled in the driveway and she took the key out ignition. "Here we are." she said opening the door. I unbuckled and walked to the porch. It took grandma Joy awhile to get out. I stood in the porch tapping my foot impatiently waiting for her to walk up the stairs.

She put the keys in the door and we walked in. "Your rooms are upstairs and the guest can go to Ashton." I walked upstairs. She pointed me to the right Lilly to the left and Ashton straight down. I opened the door. It wasn't to big or to small. It was just right. It had a big king bed with blue covers. It had a small desk beside a closet.

It also had blue curtains a tv and a Electric Guitar!!! "Wow," I said. "Your mom told me you play." "Yeah I do thank you."

"No problem. Well I will leave you to get settled." she said closing the door.

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