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Sarah's POV

"Mom?" "Yeah sweetie?" "I'm gonna go for a walk." I said "Okay hun but be home before 10:30." I looked at the clock it was 8:00. "K mom see ya." "Bye!" she said before I closed the door and began to walk down the road. I had litarly had no idea where I was going but I was going somewhere. I looked around when I saw a small coffee shop. I smiled, I have been up late a lot thinking about Luke.

I walked across the street, when I bumped into someone. It was Ashton. "Ashton what are you doing here?" "I dragged Luke here." "Oh." is all I could say. I hope I can get in there before he leaves I need to talk to him. I opened the door and there stood Luke headed for the door. "Wait!" I said and he rolled his eyes. He continued walking.

"I said wait." I said grabbing his wrist. "What?" he growled. "You know we need to talk about this." "There is nothing to talk about." "Uh yes there is," I lowered my voice to a whisper. "The kiss?"

"I told you it means nothing to me and nothing to you." I looked into his eyes. "Okay Luke. I was just trying to help." "Help me with what Sarah? Huh? What do I need help with." That's when I got angry. "Oh well I don't know Luke maybe your depression!! I mean, come on Luke! You pay no attention to anyone but your self! And on top of that you have a HORRIBLE attitude. You know I have been staying up until 3 in the morning trying to figure you out, trying to understand how someone could be so rude!"

"I'm sorry." "See there you up again being- wait what now?" "I said I'm sorry." "Oh." I said and his head hung low. "Well that doesn't change anything!"

"Why are you getting so mad I told I was sorry." "That's the point Luke. One day your actually decent then the next your a complete jerk!" I said raising my voice. "Well I'm sorry the love of my life died!!" "I am too." I said and started to walk towards the exit. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him. Our lips were inches away. "You mad now?" he asked and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled through the kiss. I let go and he smiled and so did I.

"I-I." I started but stopped myself. It was silent. I walked out. I wasn't mad. I wasn't glad. I just walked out. It was the only thing I could do. I ran across the street the down another street then I took a left then a right. Until finally "I'm lost." I said silently to myself it was already 10:00 and it was dark. My lip trembled. Its not safe to be out at night. Especially in New York.

I heard wolf whistles. My eyes widened I picked up my pace."Hey baby!" a man said. I stared to run but they were too fast. One pushed me against the wall. "Hey gorgeous." Another said. "Your right Dylan she is gorgeous. But let's see if she is gorgeous after this." he said and punched me straight in the jaw. I winced in pain.

"Hey let her go!" someone yelled and I could tell it was Luke and Ashton. Luke punched the one that held me against the wall. I dropped to the ground. Ashton kicked the other one where the sun don't shine. Once they were both down Luke ran to me. He picked me up bridal style and put me in the back seat. We drove to Luke's place. He laid me on his bed. "Are you okay." Luke asked. "No." I said quietly. My head was pounding.

"Where does it hurt?" asked Ashton. I pointed to my head. Luke went down stairs and brought back a ice pack. I smiled and put it on my head.

"I'm gonna call your mom and tell her where you are." Luke said. I nodded. I closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep though. Ashton went home after Luke called my mom. Soon I was nodding off when Luke came to me. I guess he thought I was asleep because he kissed my forehead and said "Goodnight Sarah." then I heard him walk away. I smiled and fell asleep.


Aww Luke!!!

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