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Luke's POV

"Happy birthday!!" everyone screamed as I walked in the door.

I laughed I knew the party was today but I didn't know when.

Wait a minute. I just-I just laughed. I haven't laughed since before Annabelle well you know. Sarah walked up to me "Hey. I'm sorry about that day. You may hate me, but I don't hate you. I was just angry at the time. So I'm sorry." she said nervously and bit her lip. I found that really attractive.

What am I even saying? Stop Luke. Stop. "Yeah." I said. It had nothing to do with what she just said but it was all I could think of to say at the time. She looked confused and turned away angrily. She expected me to apologize back. I know she did. But I can't help she looks exactly like Annabelle. She laughs like her. Smiles like her. Everything about Sarah is her.

I grabbed her wrist. "Wait." she turned around. "What Luke? Huh? Are you gonna tell me how much you hate me? Well if so I'm leaving because I don't wanna hear it." she shouted angrily. Now everyone was staring at us. "Can we talk outside?" I asked. "No. Anything you have to say you can say right here right now."

"You asked for it." I said and picked her up over my shoulder. "Ahh Luke put me down!!" she said banging her fist on my back. I opened the door and carried her to the front yard.

She sighed. "What?" she asked.

"I-I didn't mean it like that." I stuttered playing with my fingers nervously.

"Then how did you mean it?" she asked. "I-I just I-I-" I started but she cut me off. "Whatever Luke. It doesn't matter anymore. You hate me. That's the end of it. You don't have to act like you don't. I've had to many charity cases. I don't need another." she said and started to walk away.

"What do you mean charity case?" I asked. "Remember when you said go run off to your boyfriend and I said I didn't have one?"

"Yeah." "Well I seriously just got out of a relationship. My ex Tyler acted like he loved me to get to my friend Olivia. I-I loved him. But he didn't feel the same. Actually far from it." she said between sobs.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know." She started sobbing hard. I walked to her and embraced her.

"Sarah stop. Stop crying. We aren't worth it. I know it hurts but we aren't worth you. We are just guys. We can be horrible and we can be amazing. We make mistakes. Sometimes we don't fix them. Sarah we are not worth the mascara running down your cheeks. We aren't worth you crying every day and feeling sick to your stomach because we broke up with you or hurt you. We aren't worth any of that. Trust me I'm a guy. And your beautiful Sarah. Be confident in who you are because there is no one else like you. Your you and your beautiful. So don't cry. Don't be sad because someone in this world loves you. Just because it isn't this Tyler. That doesn't mean that no one does. Lots of people love you. Your beautiful talented hilarious and just all around a amazing girl. So again I'm sorry he doesn't love you, but other people do. In fact a lot of people do babe." I said. I had never talk that much since Annabelle. Never.

"Did you really just say that?" she asked and I laughed. "Yeah-Yeah I did." she smiled and so did I.


This chapter is so cute I smiled the whole time writing this.

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