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Isra sighs in relief when she sees Atem open his eyes and bolt upright "oh thank Anubis!.... I thought I lost you!"  she whispers softly with a worried tone Atem slides his hand up her cheek and says softly with a sorrowful tone "I'm sorry my heart"  his eyes widen as though he just realized something and he says "she felt it!.... all of it!.... when my cards were destroyed and when our friends were turned to stone!"  she smiles and replies "even though we're no longer one she's still connected to me.... but don't you fret we're tough and strong we can handle.... almost anything!"  he smiles and says "that you are!"  she helps him up then they walk back to their place on the dueling field with his body leaning up against hers for support and as they walk he says to Noah "I.... WILL.... save.... our.... friends! just watch me"  Noah replies as though he was laughing at him "you insist on humiliating yourself don't you?.... and in front of the woman at your side too!"  Isra says darkly "the only person I see humiliating himself is YOU Noah! and when you lose you will be LUCKY if I don't do to you what you did to them you HORRIBLE excuse of a human being!!"  Noah's eyes widen and he says "that's impossible!!"  she replies "that's where your wrong!.... you have proven yourself that NOTHING in this world is impossible Noah and if you need proof then I will show you just how wrong you are!"  each of Yugi's friends shine a different color and like the Simon Says electric memory skills game they shine one by one till they choose a random person to bring back to life and they chose.... Serenity.... Serenity and Noah chorus "huh!?!"  one in a tone of shock and one in confused surprise Serenity then looks up at Isra and smiles "darn!.... I was hoping for Joey.... he annoys as well as pisses everyone off faster!"  Isra teases softly as she waves down at Serenity Atem chuckles "they chose Atem not me so it doesn't surprise me that she's the one who was freed!"  Isra tells the man she loves Atem nods then says to Noah "I won't stop till I defeat you Noah now I play.... Card of Sanctity! so we both have to draw from our decks until each of us hold six cards in our hands!"  Atem receives a card from each of his friends that now wait within his recent memory room once he returns Isra smiles at him as she wraps her arm around his waist then kisses his cheek his eyes widen at the feeling as she also picks a card out of his deck.... without looking.... and slides it into the hand that holds the cards "the card is from Serenity the kiss is from Téa!"  she teases Atem blushes as he lets out a short chuckle and they hear Serenity shout "I hope it helps!"  Atem turns to Serenity and salutes his thanks to her in a very Atem way then he turns back to Noah "I feel sorry for you thanks to the support of my friends and the woman I love I'm about to defeat you and that's something you'll never understand I play Monster Reborn! it can revive any monster from the graveyard including Kaiba's Blue Eye White Dragon!"  Noah watches in shock as the BEWD returns to the dueling field and Isra reaches up and gently scratches it under its chin whispering softly "welcome back"  the BEWD seems to purr at the feel of Isra's fingertips rubbing it's chin lovingly Noah shouts with a surprised tone "it can't be!"  Atem exclaims "oh yes it can! remember Noah this duel began as you against Kaiba! and you destroyed his Blue Eyes White Dragon so I was able to bring it back! now I activate this card! polymerization! this allows me to fuse my Blue Eyes White Dragon on the field with the other two Blue Eyes cards in my hand! now behold the power of my Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon the strongest monster in Kaiba's deck!"  Noah looks at the dragon in shock and quite possibly fear as Isra teasingly says as though she can't believe such a fuss was made over it "that's it!?!"  all 3 of the dragons heads turn and narrow their eyes at her and her eyes sparkle mischievously at them they seem to roll their eyes at her as they turn their attention back to the duel Atem chuckles shaking his head at her then returns his attention back to the duel as well and says "I'm afraid there's more! next I'll activate my Quick Attack magic card! this lets my dragon attack right now!"  the BEUD attacks Noah's Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi "Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi is now finished!"  Atem says "it's not over yet!"  Noah replies "Noah! you're wrong! thanks to the next magic card in my hand! de-fusion!"  Atem says Noah's eyes widen and he gasps as the 1 dragon turns back into 3 and Atem continues "it separates my beast back into three separate dragons each with 3,000 attack points!"  cowering in defeat Noah begs as he tries to figure out how to turn the duel back into his favor "no! wait! there must be something I can do!"  Atem replies "you've been exposed as the frightened child you truly are! for Kaiba and Mokuba.... and for all my other friends.... Blue Eyes White Dragons attack!"  as the BEWD's attack Noah's life points directly Atem notices the sorrowful expression on Isra's face he takes her hand in his and squeezes it gently she smiles a small sad smile as he turns his attention back to Noah and says "this madness is finally over Noah! and so is this duel!"  Noah replies "that's impossible! I can't lose!"  Atem says "I'm afraid you just did so my friends are now free"....

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