Friends From The Beginning To The End

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"Aayizah had quite a crush on our poor unsuspecting brother but he disliked her for the way she treated us because of how close we were to Atem, Priest Seto and the kingdom.... they wanted US to be their queen not her and that is why everyone calls us queen.... even now.... we have yet to get Shadi to stop bowing in our presence but we're working on it.... it's quite a process!"  Qetesh says Yugi chuckles "the Dark Magician was once known as Illusion Magician.... it was Mahad's most trusted.... um.... "favorite".... monster to use.... and just like in the Shadow game where you and your friends became your favorite cards he became his as a part of his ka...."  Qetesh says then looks at Isra and asks "do you remember Bobasa?!"  Isra chuckles softly "yes.... he's a spirit that wanders Egypt.... loves the fact that no one can see him almost as much as he loves food!.... no he's not a duel monster.... as a matter of fact not much is known about him not even how long he's been around or how he came to be.... even he doesn't remember.... he became our friend when we taught him how to touch things even though he would normally go right through them and of course he chose to touch only food!"  Yugi chuckles "it's been a gift of ours from the moment we were born... to see the unseen.... feel the unfelt.... whether it be spirit or a duel monster.... Bobasa was our first spirit.... many thought he was what you call a "imaginary friend" now adays.... and who knows maybe in a way he was for he would mainly appear when we needed a friend and even after we met the spirits of the Duel Monsters we never forgot him or stopped being his friend.... which to our surprise seemed to worry him he seemed to fear that once we made other friends we would stop being his"  Isra continues "Isra and I had lived in a separate town as a child as did Priest Seto.... after his father had abandoned him and his mother and ordered them to move away after the incident in the city of thieves our parents were ordered to have us go with Priest Seto and his mother to live out our days as his servant so we did.... not wanting to be away from Mahad for too long we visited often.... I came out when we were with Priest Seto and his mother and Isra came out when we visited Mahad.... it was much like now as it was then for when we were with you Yugi Isra came out and when we spent time with Seto Kaiba I came out.... which is mainly why she didn't recognize Seto Kaiba at first"  Qetesh says Yugi chuckles then Qetesh continues once again "Mahad and Mana were Atem's first friends and quite possibly his only TRUE ones!.... as with anyone born into power many of their friends would only be their friend so they could feel like they would have some of that power.... so making "real" friends is tough!"  Qetesh says she looks at Atem and says "I have a feeling that when the time comes for you to relive your memories you may forget much of this.... our stories, about our side of your past.... especially your name.... for that is one of the many and quite possibly most important thing you have forgotten.... and not for the reason you think.... it's a reason that we don't even remember for there was much of your life as Pharaoh neither you nor Priest Seto let us live through.... the most "dangerous" parts.... parts were you two put your own lives in danger and wanted to keep us safe.... also.... do you remember the "faceless man" from our memories!?.... the one we called Marik"  Atem nods and Qetesh tells him "I think that it was actually Thief King Bakura.... at the time it was the dark spirit within Marik that we thought of so he was the one that became the person even we couldn't remember the name of.... everyone needs a name after all!.... and we're not one for calling people by their titles.... when we can help it!.... though I don't think we even remembered his title either!"  Atem chuckles as she continues "there was much of your childhood we missed.... but the part that stood out the most for us was the story Mahad told us about how you saved his life.... he had protected you and Mana from a snake in a tree and got bit in your place and you had did the only thing you could think of and sucked the poison out of the arm that got bit"....

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