Chapter 2

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Seokjin looked at Jungkook with shock written on his face. When he finally processed what the male said, he shyly nodded and answered a small 'yes'.

The next thing he know, Jungkook had slammed his lips to Seokjin and nearly knocked all the wind from his lungs. Seokjin hardly had a moment to react before the male pressed his tongue to the seam of his lips and, at Seokjin's grant of access, delved inside his mouth. It was a very sloppy kiss. Seokjin's arms reached up and tangled around Jungkook's thick, strong neck. In an instant, Seokjin had pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against his own, before he drew back into the latter's lips.

When they broke apart for air, Seokjin rested his forehead against Jungkook's and gathered some much needed oxygen.

Jungkook then rested his head on Seokjin's shoulder. "H-hey Jungkook."

When he didn't recieve an answer, he looked at the latter and saw that he's passed out. Seokjin mentally facepalmed himself.

Seokjin knew that Jungkook's going to regret drinking when he wakes up in the morning. 


Jungkook wrapped himself in the duvet, waves of nausea adding to his misery. His phone pinged message after message. His brain felt like it would swell beyond the capacity of his skull and now the dehydration was too obvious to ignore. Again his stomach lurched and gurgled. Perhaps some painkillers would help too. He raised his heavy eyelids halfway only for them to fall shut. He raised them again and swung his bare feet to the carpet again. One bleary look told him that he'd been in the bar, drinking and being wasted.

"Oh, you're awake." A figure leaning on the door can be seen.

"J-jin hyung?" Jungkook said, recognizing his hyung.

Seokjin walked towards Jungkook who's massaging his forehead to ease the pain.

"So, how are you feeling?" Seokjin asked, sitting on the bed facing Jungkook.

"I feel nauseous. Ugh my head is aching really bad, too. I feel like my head is breaking in half." Seokjin chuckled at what the younger just said. He stopped when he remembered what they did last night.

'Hyung... C-can I kiss you?'

The scene replayed in Seokjin's mind, over and over again. Seokjin's blush seared through his cheeks and for a minute he thought his face was on fire. He suddenly felt awkward, demure and coy. He then felt the urge of asking Jungkook if he remembered anything from last night.

"H-hey Jungkook-ah. Do you remember anything from last night?" The older nervously asked.

The younger tilted his head, questioning his hyung's question. "Huh? What do you mean, hyung?"

Seokjin smiled at the younger, turning away and headed towards the door. He stopped then turned to Jungkook again. "C'mon, let's go downstairs. I cooked breakfast."

The two headed downstairs and to the kitchen. Jungkook sat on a chair while Seokjin placed the foods that he prepared on the table.

Jungkook looked at the foods infront of him. 'It all look so tasty,' Jungkook thought. The next thing he knew, a glass of orange juice was placed infront of him. He looked at Jin but the elder just said, "Drink."

Jin sat down, and the both of them started eating. Jungkook felt much better when he drank the orange juice his hyung had given him. They continued eating in silence until Seokjin decided to break it.

He placed his spoon and fork down and he turned to face thd younger. "Hey, Jungkook-ah. Do you have anything to do for the rest of the day?" Jungkook shook his head as an answer. Seokjin smiled and asked, "Well, do you want to accompany me to the mall today?"

Jungkook nodded thinking he needed to go out and have some fun 'coz he's been stressing out and worrying about some things lately. 


The ride to the mall was rather fun. Airplane Pt. 2 by BTS started playing and both of them started jamming to the song. When they arrived to the mall, the two of them agreed on playing in the arcade first then they'll go to a restaurant to eat.

The arcade was full of people, due to the fact that it's a weekend. They decided to try and go to the karaoke room.

Jungkook decided to go first, picking a song called 'Serendipity' sang by one of the members of their favorite boyband.

Jungkook started the song and his voice awed Seokjin. The older knew that Jungkook can sing but this song really suits his voice.

Just let me love you
(let me love, let me love you)
Just let me love you
(let me love, let me love you)

The younger's voice boomed across the sky. Seokjin thought that he could listen to it all day. It was a voice to sink in as it wraps him up.

The way Jungkook puts all his emotion into the song made Seokjin's heart to sank. He knew Jungkook will never like him. He perfectly knew that... That's because it's his-

"Hey, Jin-hyung? Jin-hyung?" Seokjin was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realized that the song is over and that the younger was trying to call for him for about a minute now.

"W-what?" Seokjin asked, not knowing what's going on.

Jungkook chuckled and said,"I said, it's your time to sing, Jin hyung."

"O-oh." Blushing would have been no problem, but what Seokjin did was go as red as a beetroot and radiate heat like a hot pan. You could have cooked a three course meal on his face. No one could've missed it. He wanted the earth to open up and swallow him whole, but there was no rescue from this embarrassment. It was absolute. Torture. Utter humiliation.

Seokjin decided to choose a song that will express what he truthfully feels. He chose a song of one of his favorite boy groups. 'If you love her' by SHINee.

If you love her,
If you want her,
More than flowers, you have to care for her more
If you love her,
If you need her,
Tell her without holding back
If you love her

When the song ended, a tear fell from Seokjin's eyes. He wiped it with his right hand as fast as he can but Jungkook already grabbed his hand that caused him to face Jungkook.

The younger looked at him with a worried expression. "H-hyung... What's wrong? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked.

Seokjin smiled, but it wasn't genuine. "I-I will be, Jungkook... Not right now, but maybe someday." Seokjin said as he wiped his tear and ruffled the younger's locks.

[End of Chapter 2]

See you guys in the next chapter~

Also, daily reminder to stay healthy and to love yourself! Take care of yourself~ 💜

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