Chapter 10

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"Are you still going to tell us what happened?" asked Taehyung. They're currently in Hoseok and Taehyung's shared apartment. The two of them decided to share an apartment because they said it's cheaper and there's some other reasons too.

They're all in the living room, chilling while drinking green tea.

Seokjin took a sip of his tea before answering. "A-ah yes... S-so I was in the living room yesterday when J-jungkook showed up for the first time after he left me, then he went into his room to take a shower. He came back to the living room, trying to talk to me but I simply ignored him. H-he told me that he's sorry and that what he did last night w-was wrong..." Seokjin said while on the verge of crying.

"I told him that it's not wrong because I wanted it too... Then he told I should do that with someone I love, and I-i guess I kinda snapped because I confessed my feelings for him... In the end, he told me that he'll never look at me like that because he loved Seokhyung-hyung."

The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down Seokjin's face. The three immediately hugged the older, trying to comfort him.

"I-i ran outside after hearing that... wearing only these pajamas that I'm wearing right now. I l-left my phone and wallet there so I didn't know what to do and where to go. I decided to just walk to Namjoon's apartment but about halfway there, I passed out. When I woke up the next morning, I was in the hospital with t-this guy named Chanyeol... He's the one who brought me there. He said I have hypothermia due to my exposure to the freezing weather outside..."

The three other guys, understanding his situation decided to, "Hyung... You know you can stay here right? We understand if you don't want to see Jungkook for a while." Hoseok said.

Seokjin sniffed, "A-are y'all sure?" Hoseok and Tae nodded while smiling warmly. "Thank you guys. I don't know what I'll do without you. I know I'm the oldest one here but it seems like I'm the most problematic one." Seokjin joked.

"Guys, I'm going to the kitchen to get me some more tea. Do any of you want some more?" Namjoon asked.

Hoseok, Tae, and Jin all shook their heads 'no'. "Okay, suit yourself." Namjoon said before walking away to the kitchen.

"O-oh before we forget, me and Tae have something to tell you h-hyung." Hoseok nervously said.

The oldest of the three let go of the hug and looked at them in confusion. "Okay..." He hesitantly said.

"P-promise not to be mad?" The older nodded. "Me and Tae are dating... For about 6 months now. Namjoon knows it, too." Taehyung and Hoseok hold hands and both looked down, afraid to look at Seokjin's reaction.

The couple looked up with shock written on their faces when they heard their friend's famous 'windshield' laugh.

"Oh my goodness. That's what you're afraid to tell me?" Both male nodded, confused.

The older smiled and engulfed them into another hug. "I already know that, you idiots. It's so obvious that you're clearly whipped for each other. The only thing I don't understand is why didn't you tell me that you too are in a relationship? Don't you trust me? The fact that you didn't tell me but you told Namjoon just hurt my feelings." The older pouted.

"W-well we were scared that y-you're going to be mad..." Taehyung shyly answered.

"Ya. Why would I be mad. I will never get mad at you two, unless you break one something from my Mario collection then I'll really be mad." Seokjin said jokingly as he hugged the two tighter and then let go while giggling.

"Hey guys, I'm back. What did I miss—" Namjoon didn't get to finish his sentence when he tripped over something, making him drop his cup of tea and him landing on the floor.

"Namjoon, are you alright?" The oldest asked worriedly. Namjoon just nodded.

Taehyung chuckled and stated, "I guess you can say that 'he spilled the tea'." Hoseok playfully smacked him on the arm.

"Well... I'm really happy for the both of you guys." Seokjin said, turning to the couple. "Take care of each other, okay?" He said then ruffled their hairs.

"Hyung!" The couple yelled, fixing their hairs while Seokjin just laughed.

"H-hey Tae and Hoseok? Can you two help me stand up?" Namjoon said, making grabby hands to both Hoseok and Taehyung. The couple laughed before pulling him up.

Seokjin watched in the corner as the three younger guys laughed and played. He smiled when he saw Hoseok kissing Tae's forehead.

'Atleast my friends would end up with a happy ending.'

[End of Chapter 10]

Hello guys! I hope you're all doing well... (•ө•)♡

Anyway, I feel like this story is going too fast... I'm honestly not sure, oh well. (@_@)

I want to remind you to be healthy and love yourself! I love you all! 💜

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