Chapter 13

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Seokjin woke up the next morning with his neck in pain. He was in someone's arms. Jungkook's arms to be exact. Seokjin can feel the younger's breathing on his hair.

He stared at the younger's face and smiled. He looked up to the clock on the wall and saw that it was only 5:30 in the morning.

'Well, I better start preparing for school.' Seokjin thought.

He made his way to the kitchen of the apartment to prepare some breakfast. He decided to make some toast, hash browns and eggs.

He started to heat up the pan and started beating up the eggs. He hummed to a song called 'Eyes, Nose, Lips' by Taeyang, a popular korean singer.

He was constantly checking if the eggs, hash browns and toast are cooked. When the foods looked like they're closed to being cooked, he started to get plates on the cupboard. He raised his hands to get the plates, when he suddenly felt a figure hugging him tightly.

"Good morning, hyung. Why are you up so early?" The younger said with his voice raspy and his eyes closed.

"J-jungkook we have school today. Didn't you forget?" The older asked, while the younger just chuckled.

"Hyung, today is the start of our winter break." The younger answered, still hugging the older.

"Oh- wait I thought our winter break starts next week?" Seokjin questioned.

"Due to the weather, the school called and said that they'll just start the winter break today."

Seokjin even though surprised, didn't bother to question it. "Just sit down, the food will be ready any minute now." The older said, smiling warmly as the younger released him from the hug and returned a smile.

Seokjin laid out the foods on the table and they began munching to it. "Hmm. Hyung, these all taste delicious." The younger said, taking a bite from each of the food.

Seokjin chuckled, "Well, thank you." He answered.

The younger went quiet for a while but in the middle of eating, he coughed and asked, "Hey hyung, do you know a guy named Chanyeol?"

The older looked up to him and answered, "Ahh yes... He's the guy that brought me to the hospital. I'm guessing you found out from him what happened?"

"Yes... He called the other day, asking if you were here." The younger honestly said. "He also said to call him back, but hyung are you?"

"Of course I will, I owed him my life. If it weren't for him, officials would've found my body on the snowy ground, frozen."

Jungkook gritted his teeth upon hearing the answer from the older. He doesn't know what was happening to him. He can feel the little butterflies in his stomach but one thing's for sure: he can't imagine his hyung talking and smiling to another guy except for him.

He can't be jealous right? I mean, he's only starting to accept that he cares for his hyung so much, so why would he be jealous?

"Hyung, please don't call him back?" The younger pleaded. He was shocked that those words just came out of his mouth.

The older looked up to him in an odd but cute way. His head is tilted to the side, questioning why the younger said that. "Huh? Why?"

"Because... I can't stand thinking of you talking and laughing and having fun with some other guy..." The younger said, almost in a whisper.

"What?" The older questioned. "Just because." The younger said, his lips curving into a smile. "Promise me, hyung." He said, extending his hand and pushing his pinky finger for a pinky promise while pouting.

"Okay... Fine." The older gave in after looking at the pouting younger, chuckling at his childish behavior. He extended his hand as well and locks their pinkies together.

"Oh by the way, hyung. Get ready. We're going somewhere today." The younger said after they finished eating.

"Where?" The older asked smiling, curiosity can be sensed in his voice.

"Somewhere I know you'll really enjoy." Jungkook said, showing the older his cute, bunny teeth smile.

"So, is this a date?" Seokjin asked, jokingly.

"It's a date."

[End of Chapter 13]

I should be studying right now because I have a math test tomorrow but I decided to update, it's okay tho ;-;

Well take care guys and always remember to love yourself!

i wuv u 💜

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