Comfortable//David X Michael

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I don't care what you think. I like to write gay things. 

It had been three weeks since David had properly slept with all the things going on and around Santa Carla. The nightmares in which Edgar Frog continuously stabbed his brother, Marko, in the heart, were daily, and he had no idea how to get rid of them at all.

David had driven his new car to a cliff where he could see the whole town of Santa Carla. As cheesy as it sounds, he loved the way the houses were lit up, creating this golden glow in the city making it look peaceful which was far from the truth. David enjoyed it. No hunters trying to get his head on a stick and no Star trying to get her way with him. 

A content sigh left his lips as he closed his eyes and breathed in. If only he could feel like this all the time. David slowly opened his eyes and walked back to the car, sliding in. He took his blanket from the backseat, and tried to get comfy.

David was woken up to the sound of knocking on his car window, causing him to jump. A torch was pointed at him, blinding him for a second, and a groan slipped beyond his mouth. David's eyes widened when he realized who the person was that had woken him up. 

"Michael! What the fuck are you doing out here?" 

"Get out of the car, David."

David got out of his car, slamming the door. "You're the one who woke me up. I should be the one getting pissed."

"Shut up, David. Why aren't you sleeping in your home?"

"Emerson, you really crack me up sometimes. " David was still confused as to why Michael Emerson had decided to wake him up. 

"You live in your car?" Michael raises his eyebrows at the strange vampire. 

"And I thought you were the smart one. Now I see Sam is the smarter out of the two of you."

"David, you can't sleep in your car. That can't be comfortable or even legal."

"Done it for weeks now. Your muscles get used to the uncomfortable ache."

"I don't want you to sleep in your car. I have a spare mattress in my room in which you can sleep on. It would definitely be more comfortable than your car."

"Oh, is little Emerson worried?"

"Just.....shut up, David, and get your car over to my place."

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