Flash To The Back

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'It's been a while since I've heard from you..' she paused, hesitant to talk further. 'When did you arrive?'

She backed away as he got closer to her. Her breathe hitches. 'Answer my question!' Her voice trembled from fear.

He whispered to her ears.. she immediately pushed him away.
'W-what?! ...h-how did you?' He puts a finger on her lips. 'Shh. It's alright, I know.'

She shook her head. 'No! It's not that I'm mad about!' He tilts his head in confusion. She fumbles with her fingers.

'The thing is,' she started. 'I didn't hear you..' He immediately groaned. 'I'm stopping the italics, it's getting annoying.'

'As I was saying, I have an announcement.' He cleared his throat. 'I found the evidence that proves that they are working on a different piece of literature!'

She giggled, happy from what she just heard. 'What is it?' He took something from his pocket. 'Here, I'll play it.'
The footage started,

Hi, I am working on chapters for this book but I need to release this just to ensure that I'm going to be posting the real chapters when I at least reach ten chapters.

A preview from a future chapter:

"Why are you saying the private part of the male and referring that it is Parker?" I snapped, no one will disrespect my friends. Especially when I'm around.

" 'Cause you know, Peter is a-" I cut Flash off. "It seems that the only penis in this room is you, as you do act like one. You try to reach to become bigger but we all know you are trying too hard. You'll never reach that goal."

And with that Flash shuts up. I pushed Peter and I away from the scene to go to our wanted destination.

And... that's the preview! Your time is up! Hope you'll stick around to when I actually post the real chapters!

Have a good morning/night to you!

And there, the footage ends.
With the squeal of the girl, she hugged him. 'I can't believe you found it!'
He puts her down, laughing, 'I can't believe I FOUND it!'

And they jumped around happily, confusing their coworkers.


[but seriously, I'm going to be posting stuff]

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