Heart Vacancy ~Part 7

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Chapter seven

*Jay POV*

I felt her move once during the early hours of the morning, but she soon drifted back off to sleep again,  I thought she might of got up to leave, but I didn’t really want her to and I was glad that she didn’t. So I lay there and slowly drifted off.

~the next morning~

*Kelsey POV*

I need to get out of here, I don’t want him to see me in this state and he probably won’t want me to be here when he wakes up.  I tried moving, but he had his arm round me and if I moved it meant that I would move him and that could wake him up.  I looked at him and saw that he was starting to stir and wake up.

*Jay POV*

“morning sleeping beauty, you okay?” I asked, she looked gorgeous even when she was still half asleep, she replied “did anything happen last night?! Im just slightly confused to how I got here!”

I replied well I didn’t want to wake you, you looked peaceful, so I carried you to my bed, you only live a couple of minutes away anyway so it wasn’t a bother”

“you didn’t have to do that you know- thats so sweet no one has ever done anything like that before!” she looked really grateful.

“honestly it was no...” before I could finish the rest of my sentence her lips were on mine and they tasted heavenly, I playfully but her lip so I could make the kiss more passionate, but she was already one step ahead, she then sat up and put her leg over me so that she was straddeling me making it more comfortable for the both of us.  The kiss then got more steamy and intimate.

*Kelsey POV*

I kissed him, I couldn’t help myself I didn’t even let him finish his sentence anyway he didn’t need to, I knew what he was going to say.  As soon as our lips touched it felt so right, he playfully bit on my lip to make it deeper, but I had already thought that far ahead, as our tongues touched the kiss got deeper and deeper I straddelled him so that it would make it more comfortable. He pulled me closer and as he did I could feel his hand stroking the bottom of my back so I put my arms around his neck and played with his hair, this was perfect and I  didn’t want it to stop, but then I heard a phone ring “leave it” he whispered.  “I can’t im sorry it might be important” I got off the bed and reached into my bag and pulled out my phone, it was Amy, “Kelsey have you seen the front of The Sun today?”  “no why whats on it?” I was worried, I remember I was papped when I was coming out the club.  I made my excuses to Jay “im sorry I’ve got to leave, theres something I need to do, I’ll call you later”

I hurried out the door and ran past a news agents picked up the sun and saw that it was me and him on the cover and the headline was ‘Jay seen with blonde hooker’.  I started to cry I also remembered that I was still on the phone to Amy, “could you come round mine” I sobbed.  “sure I’ll be there in a minute” she replied. 

I got back to my apartment had a quick shower and chucked some leggings and a vest top on and scraped my hair back. I heard a knock at the door, “who is it?” I shouted from the kitchen Amy replied “its me”.  “well its open you can let yourself in”.

She hurried over to where I was standing she hugged me and I broke down in tears, “whats he gonna think of me now, I didn’t tell him what I did, where were you and Nathan last night as well” she had her guilty face on “he came round mine watched a few movies, ordered a takeaway and fell asleep that was it” “hmm” I replied.

Amy carried on “anyway I woke up and he was still asleep and I was out of milk so I went to the shop saw the paper, went back to the flat, woke Nathan up and asked him what I should do, and then I called you and he left and went round jays, shortly after you had left.

“what does he think of me” i said thinking out loud.


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