Heart Vacancy ~Part 13

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Chapter thirteen

*Kelsey POV*

So I said it, I really don’t know what he is thinking, he’s sitting there staring at the tv which isn’t even on. I was still sitting there waiting for a reply, or for him to give me a lecture when he said “Are you sure, I mean you’re leaving your family behind”

“yes I am, thinking about it they haven’t been very family like have they, I mean, they haven’t even tried to contact me asking me how I am.  And today, they didn’t come round themselves, they sent James and of all the family it had to be I him. I will go to the funeral after all I mean I want to wish my nan a final goodbye, would you mind coming with me, although I’ll understand if you don’t want to...”

He cut me off halfway through “yes I will come with you, I take it that will be that you tell them you’re leaving with me”  I nodded, he put his arms around me and said “I’ll never leave you, you know that don’t you”

I smiled up at him “I do”

I got up off the bed, and said “im getting in the shower, wanna join?!” I winked at him.  he got up from the bed and I lead him to the shower.

Im sure you guys know what happened next ;)

~later that day~

*Kelsey POV*

Jay and I were sat in the kitchen eating, when my phone rang, jay grabbed it off the side and answered it “hello kelsey’s phone” he mouthed to me ‘its your dad’ he passed the phone to me.  “hi dad”

The phone call only lasted a minute and its was brief he told me a location and time for the funeral which was at the end of the week. “Kelsey you okay?” I heard jay say, he sounded so distant, my mind was just wondering away. “im fine Jay, can we go out tonight? Are the boys planning on going anywhere?”

Jay:” I can text and ask them, why do you want to go out?”

“I just need to get out of here and have a good time, we’ve been cooped up, come on it I’ll be fun” a huge smile spread across his face and in return put a smile on mine.

I got ready, put on a skin tight lbd and some black heels, added some eyeliner and was ready to go, I walked in the living room and Jay turned round “you trying to catch flies!” I laughed this made him blush and he said “you look absolutely stunning”

“you don’t scrub up to bad either!” I winked.  There was a knock at the door, I answered the door and Amy was there, “you ready hun?!” “AAAMMMYY!!!” I screamed at her, and literally pounced on her! “aww I’ve missed you to babe” she laughed.  “you’re coming with us then?!” I asked her “well yeah if thats okay with you, Jay text me, and then Nath asked me!” Jay butted in “girls can we get a move on, there’s beer waiting for me and also you can talk on the way there!!”

We all clambered into the car, we then picked up Nath, then Tom and Max and then Siva and Naresha.  We were all having a right laugh, and it continued into the club, me and Jay were dancing, he looked into my eyes and I was melting those blue eyes, got me everytime, he nuzzled into my ear and whispered to me “you’re the most beautiful girl in here, and im glad I filled your heart vacancy” I looked at him in awe, I could not have found anyone better than him.  “im glad you came here and found me again I don’t know what I would have done with out you” his lips brushed against mine, and then crashed into mine, opening my lips allowing his tongue to enter, this was perfect. We pulled apart went over to the booths where the other boys were and sat there cuddling up to him laughing and taking shots with them.

~the next morning~

*Jay POV*

I woke up, at Kelsey’s but she wasn’t there I started to panic, the was no noise coming from the kitchen, did she come home with me last night? I cant remember a thing I drank way too much.  Ugh here comes the hangover, I got up and walked into the kitchen got a glass of water and some aspirin, I heard the door open and there was Kelsey, she was up and dressed, “hey hun you’re up! Sore head?!” she laughed at me.  “you don’t have a hangover?” “no I can take my drink better than you babe!” I gave her a sarcastic smile, “where have you been?” I asked her. “shopping” she replied.  “already?!” “well the funeral is this week, so I got a suitable dress and a suit for you” she smiled at me “you didn’t have to do that” “well I did because if id have left it to you, you probably wouldn’t get one it time!” “now that is a true point” I smiled at her she had a vacant look in her eye, “you know if you ever need to talk im here, always”

She walked over to me, I opened my arms and she accepted the hug and I kissed her forehead. She whispered “Jay, you’re the most amazing person I know, and I love you, please don’t forget that” she sounded desperate almost pleading like she had done something wrong. “have you done something Kelsey” there was a serious tone to my voice. “no I haven’t I was said that because I love you and I don’t want to lose you and im scared of what the funeral is going to be like – I don’t want them to hurt you, I know what my family are capable of, especially my cousins you met one the other day” “yeah how could I forget” I laughed, she looked up and started smiling at me.

We were sat on the sofa watching daytime tv, when my  phone rang it was Tom, “hey mate, what’d you want?” “we need to get to the studio, managements got news and you can bring Kelsey” “what time do we need to be there?” “at half two” “okay see you then” he put the phone down, I looked at the clock it was half one, “KELSEY” I shouted, she was in the bedroom, putting some clothes away “baba we need to go the studio, managements got news!!” “okay hun, what time” she replied “half two” I shouted from the sofa. “okay we can leave in a minute” she replied.

*Kelsey POV*

We arrived at the studio, Jay and the rest of the boys had been talking about this ‘surprise’ all the way little did they know, but I already knew, they were going on tour, nearly around the world, Australia, America etc.. I tried to join in with the conversation as much as possible, but thought of jay and even the rest of the boys leaving made me want to cry, but I had to put on a suprise face for all of them, Jay knew there was something wrong but luckily for me I can think of an excuse when one is needed. We were walking into the studio the boys were buzzing with excitement, and then I heard a familiar voice “am I late, sorry guys, cars being a bitch!” I turned round and it was Amy, “Kelsey hey bou!” she came over and hugged me, then I heard Nathan say “Nice to know my girlfriend wants to see me” “aww she’s turned les for me babe” I winked at him and the boys laughed and then Kevin came out and ushered us all into a room. 

Kevin: “well guys, I’ve got some important news to tell you”, he gave me a subtle wink, which none of the boys saw, but I gave him a cheeky smile back, considering I was the first and only person he had told. “you are going on a tour, to Australia, amercia as well as some other places!!”

I looked around the room and the boys faces were picture worthy, they got up and started jumping around and shouting, jay picked me up and spun me around and I started giggling “put me down you fool!!!” then max asked the question I really didn’t want to know the answer to, “kev when are we leaving” “early Thursday morning, about 4am”  then jay said “kev I...” I interrupted “jay could I talk to you for a minute outside” while the other boys and Amy where talking about the plans they were making I got up and walked out of the room, Jay followed. “jay you have to go and im not arguing with you!!” “what about the funeral?!” “what about it you can’t make it obviously!”

“Amy why are you being like this?” “Jay its hurts okay, I want you to go and live your dream, and I feel like a selfish bitch if I make you stay, so I need to you to go”

I walked back into the room left jay in the corridor and put a fake smile on my face, the boys had already started celebrating by getting beers out the fridge that was in the corner of the room. “get me one Tom” he laughed and chucked a can at me.  I opened it then I felt someone sneak up behind me and put his arms around my waist “we’re going to talk about this later” and then stole me beer, “Jay that was mine” I said putting on a fake pouty face.  He stood there laughing at me, so I went over to the fridge and pulled out another one, when Amy stood behind the door “Kels are you okay, I mean what was that with jay and you in the corridor?” “nothing really we’re sorting it, we’re fine honestly” I smiled at her, knowing that this might be the end.


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