Heart Vacancy ~Part 15

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Chapter fifteen

*Jay POV*

Last night was amazing, I love her to bits, I can’t believe she’s actually put up with me especially after humming ‘Glad you came’. Haha made me smile thinking about it. I rolled over carefully so I didn’t wake the sleeping beauty up, and looked at the clock it was half seven in the morning the funeral was at twelve, so I decided to get up and try and make her and myself some breakfast, I also needed to feed the dog! It was nice that her cousin gave her that in the end, even though he was a bit of an idiot at times I suppose he was family.  I went into the kitchen and when into the fridge, there wasn’t anything remotely appetising in there, but there were some eggs and I know for a fact that French toast is one of Kelsey’s favourite.  I got the eggs and the milk out of the fridge, got the bread out, found a pan and a bowl to mix the eggs and the milk together in, and I started to make it.

*Kelsey POV*

I woke up expecting there to be a sleeping jay next to me, but there wasn’t, but then I smelt, a cooking smell coming from the kitchen and it smelt lovely, I chucked on Jays pants and top from last night and made my way downstairs, he hadn’t heard, me so I snuck up behind him and put my hands around his waist and kissed his shoulder, “so what you cooking hun?” “your favourite” he replied. I kept playing with the waistband of his boxers, he turned round “do you mind” he asked playfully “no not really I kinda like it down there” I winked at him.  I walked over and sat on one of the bar-stools. We sat/stood there talking.  He’d finished cooking enough for the both of us and plated it up and sat on the chair opposite me.  We ate in silence, staring at each other and  pulling funny faces, he pulled one which made me laugh so hard, after I’d drank some tea, that I sprayed it all over the table! “Kelsey really! How old are you and you’re making a mess!” he laughed at me “its your fault” I tried to playfully to stab him with my fork, but I missed and he started to laugh at me even more “see its your fault again!!”  we sat there for another half hour, we’d finished eating by then, we’d also cleared away all the plates and my little accident from earlier.  When I said “I need to jump in the shower, I need to get ready, you can join if you like” I winked.

I went upstairs, grabbed my towel and shower stuff, and went into the bathroom, turned the shower on, when there was a knock on the shower door “Kelsey you in there?!” “No Jay, I’m in Narnia” I replied sarcastically. “no I'm being serious, please open the door” I quickly wrapped a towel round me and opened the door “bou whats wrong?!” I was worried he wasn’t there “Jay, seriously whats wrong you’re starting to worry me now” I started to walk down the hall, trying to find where he was, when suddenly he crept up behind me and blew on my neck, I screamed “JAY that wasn’t funny I genuinely got worried!! Don’t do that again!!” he was on the floor howling with laughter, “Well if you don’t mind I’m actually going to get in the shower now, and I decline my offer from earlier” I smirked at him, that soon wiped the smile off his face.

~couple of hours later~

*Kelsey POV*

We were both ready and waiting for a taxi to come and pick us up.  I must admit jay looked incredibly smart in his suit and I was proud of him.  sounds like a weird thing to say but that was the emotion I was feeling right there and then.  The taxi pulled up and I felt his arm wrap around my waist as he walked me to the car, we got in and he held my hand the whole way there and never let go.

We arrived at the crematorium, we arrived fairly early, but we sat near the back, so we didn’t create too much fuss, but most of the family looked happy to see me and commented on how well I looked and how cute me and jay were as a couple. But then dad arrived word has obviously spread that we weren’t on the best of terms, but relatives kept coming over to talk to me, they weren’t concerned.  The funeral started and it was beautiful wasn’t what I imagined it to be like, it was just right for her.  it bought a tear to my eye, jay saw and pulled me in for a hug and I gladly accepted.  The funeral finished and we all said our final goodbyes and we all walked out into the crematorium car park, people were asking where the wake was being held, but me and jay were intent on looking for our taxi, we needed to get back and get change and head for the airport, I then saw someone walking towards us out of the corner of my eye, it was my mum, I turned to face her and smile, she looked at me and she came over and hugged both me and jay and thanked us for coming.  “Amy me and your dad know you are going to pick jay, and why wouldn’t you, but I don’t want you to forget us” “ma how could I, I love you to pieces and I also need to ask you a favour, I'm going away on tour with the boys, so I need someone to look after Lipsy and I saw how well behaved she was when you were around yesterday, and it also gives us a reason to visit you when we get back!” she smiled at this idea and then pulled me into a hug she whispered “remember Jayne” I gave her a weird look but at the same time our taxi pulled up so me and Jay had to leave.  I said goodbye and sat in the taxi and left jay standing there talking to her.

*Jay POV*

Kelsey got into the taxi and I was left there talking to her mum she whispered to me “remember Jayne” which is the same thing I heard her whispering to Kelsey, Kelsey hadn’t clocked on what it meant yet, but it was my number in her mums phone! Her mum walked away, and I walked over to the taxi and got in, I slid across the seat to where Kelsey was sitting, picked her up and cradled her on my lap, like I’d done in the past, she put her head on my chest, and sighed. “We can go mate” I told the taxi driver, and he pulled away. 

We were on our way to the airport, we’d been sitting in silence for most of the journey when Kelsey said “I'm looking forward to tomorrow, I'm glad you asked me to come with you” “im glad you agreed to come, I don’t think I would’ve managed with all the boys and missing you too much” I looked her in the eyes “I truly mean it” I leaned in and kissed her on the lips, the taxi driver coughed, and we jumped apart, I looked at Kelsey and her face had gone bright red.  I nudged her and she winked at me.

*Kelsey POV*

I heard someone whispering my name, it was Jay, I must have fallen asleep in the taxi on the way to the airport.  I sat up we’d arrived, I started to panic, and get nervous.  I was going on tour with THE WANTED! But the thing that was scaring me was being away from home, I’m not great in foreign countries, everywhere I’ve been on holiday I’ve been I’ll and with this long flight ahead of us in the morning, I definitely was not looking forward to it. We collected our bags from the taxi and made our way into the hotel, I looked at jay and remembered we were in our funeral stuff, and I must have looked a mess.  I got jay to check us in and get the key, and we went up to our room.  I chucked my bag down and ran to the bathroom, “bagsy the bath!” I shouted “oi that's no fair” I heard him reply. “tough luck!” I shouted back.  I ran the bath and took my clothes off, sat in the bath and relaxed, I heard jay moving around in the bedroom, and then there was a bump, probably jay walking into the bed as usual!  I closed my eyes and leaned back and slid down into the bath so the water was covering my shoulders, I lay there for ages until I heard a knock on the door “Kels you okay in there, you’ve been a while” “sorry yeah I was thinking I’ll be out in a minute” I stood up, grabbed a towel and wrapped it round me, pulled the plug stepped out of the bath and watched the water drain away.  I picked up my clothes that were scattered on the floor, opened the door of the bathroom, and walked into the bedroom, jay was lying on the bed fast asleep, I seriously doubted that we would be doing anything today, so I chucked on some sweats and a vest top. Walked over to the bed and slid next to him, he stirred, put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, I put my head on his chest and soon drifted off listening to the sound of his heartbeat.


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