Heart Vacancy ~Part 16

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Chapter sixteen

*Kelsey POV*

I sat up in alert, the alarm was going off, it was time to check out of the hotel and get over to the airport! Jay hadn’t moved since yesterday, he was still in the same clothes lucky for me all I had to do was changed.  I gave him one large push and managed to push him off the bed!  There was a loud thump, “what’d you do that for” jay said whilst on the floor “we have to go!!” I urged him to get changed “seriously jay we don’t have that long!” “I haven’t had a shower” he started to moan “I think there’s one at the Singapore airport” I replied.  “oh okay”  he went into the bath room taking some grey joggers and a top a fan had bought him and a beanie.  He was going to be in there a while, so I took off my joggers and top, shoved on some leggings, and my ‘I’m with the boyband jumper’ and shoved on my converse.  Jay walked out the bathroom and stared at my jumper “nice top” he laughed “thought you’d like it” I laughed.  We packed our bags, checked out of the hotel, and walked over to the airport, when all of a sudden I heard someone yell “KEELLLSSSEEYYY!!” I turned round and saw Amy and Nathan walking towards us, well Nathan was walking Amy had decided to run, nearly fell over but finally ended up over to me! I dropped my bags on the floor and pulled her in for a hug. “hey Amy” Nathan had finally walked over to us “hey nath” I smiled “hey, you okay?” he asked, “yeah im fine, you excited about the tour?!” “yes, means shopping for us!” Amy replied, nath looked at her and jay laughed.  “I see kev” Nathan started to wave and kev made his way over to us “hi girls and boys” he smiled at us “you ready for this hell of a journey, stuck on a plane with you lot” “you love us really” I smiled sweetly at him. he muttered “sure I do” we then started to walk towards the check in desk, when we saw, Tom, Max, Siva and Naresha making their way towards us.  “hi guys” I said “hi” they all said in chorus.  “come on then guys, put your bags on” kev said, we left our bags with him and walked into the main part of the airport, where loads of fans where waiting me, Naresha and Amy, went off shopping while the boys stood there talking to fans and taking pictures.

*Jay POV*

The girls had gone off somewhere while me and the boys where lumped with the fans, not like I was complaining, we really appreciate them, but at times like this you don’t want to have to deal with the hassle especially when you know there are going to be worse fans when you land because, this is your first time over there.  I said bye to the fans excusing myself by saying that I needed a drink, but I needed to get out of there it was so busy and I really wanted some rest and I didn’t talk to Kelsey much when we got to the hotel, and I felt bad, I felt guilty, because I felt like I was dragging her with us to come on tour but she seemed genuinely happy so I didn’t press the matter.  I walked into the men’s toilets, and ran the cold tap and splashed some water on my face, I looked in the mirror, I didn’t look to great, I looked ill and drained.  Definitely needed to sleep on this flight, and the best thing is we are in first class and you can fit two people on one bed, so Kelsey can share with me.  I hate being away from her, I’ve felt like this about anyone before, the boys have mentioned it to me, they’ve said that I seem happier, and that she’s a keeper.  I definitely agree with that!

*Kelsey POV*

After looking around the shops with the girls, we went back to the boys and Jay was no were to be seen.  I asked the boys where he’d gone, but they didn’t know.  I wasn’t worried, he does this a lot, especially when he’s stressed or needs to think. I stood there with the boys messing about with them, Tom got the flip camera out and started filming for the mailer and Max hid Tom’s credit card!  The fans had long gone. I sat there the boys, Amy and Naresha were all sat there deep in conversation, whilst I sat there thinking about was Jay was doing, we had to board the plan soon and he hadn’t come back, he hadn’t text me or the boys either, this was worrying me.  I suddenly heard Max shout “Its Bird!” I looked up, I smiled at him, but he didn’t even bother to look at me, and went and sat next to siva and ignored me. So I sat there, making a conversation with Amy, when Kev announced that we should be making our way towards the gate, so we all got up and walked towards the departure lounge Jay still hadn’t adknowledged me, but I didn’t say anything, I didn’t want to make a deal about it in front of the others, so I got my iPod out of my bag and put my headphones in and zoned out, luckily this is what the others had started to do, so it didn’t look like I was being rude.  I stole a quick glance over to where Jay and Siva where sitting, Jay was looking at me at the exact same time, so we looked each other in the eye, but he soon turned back to siva.  What could they be talking about? I asked myself,  anyway it was time to board the plane and this was my first time in first class and it was amazing the seats went right down and where made into beds, which is the first thing all the boys did when they got to their seats because of the long flight ahead. I went to my seat and did the same and jay came over and said “there’s room for two on one of these” “fine” I replied “but I’m not in a very talkative mood.” I moved up on the seat and let Jay slide in next to me and I put my headphones back in.  Jay got out his phone and went on twitter, he was obviously entertained to I lay back, closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off to sleep.

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