Chapter IV

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Thank you so much for all the wishes. I hope you enjoy this well deserved chapter!!

Outside, the rain still poured over the city, rumbling the pipes as the water harshly traveled out to the street drains. Todoroki had awoken to silent snores from behind, their soft breathing tickling the nape of his neck. It took a fat minute for last nights events to flood his mind, flashes of how vulnerable he made himself to yet another classmate. He moved his waist only to have a muscled arm around it, firmly holding him in place.

'Great, now how do I get up?' Looking at the small alarm clock, it read the time 6:30am. It was still far to early to get up for a Saturday, but he didn't want his classmates having the wrong idea about coming out of an alpha's room first thing in the morning again. That experience alone was enough to force himself to wake the beast beside him.

"Bakugou?" He called softly, gently tugging at the tempered alpha's arm. The only response he got was a small growl, the arm around his waist tightening.

"Bakugou, I need to go back to my room!" Todoroki harshly whispered, a little more desperately the second time around. He'd managed to sit up and tried his best to wiggle out some more, but still he didn't budge or respond; the male beside him sleeping soundly as his breathing became steady and the previously irritated facial features fading back to its peaceful manner.

   After more attempts at wiggling, he finally got out and made his way out the alphas door. Though the rain was still thundering, Todoroki kept calm. The scent of Bakugou following him around eased his nerves, his inner omega slightly pleased at the thought of being somewhat claimed by a strong alpha. Not that he'd ever admit that though.

   As the morning grew older, the more classmates started to come out of their rooms and out to the dinning hall for breakfast. The schools personal chefs began to intoxicate the dorms with their delicious temptation of food. Todoroki's stomach violently growled. He had been so focused on watching Bakugou try the ramen he forgot about his own meal the previous night. He would've just walked out if he wasn't hit with the reality of how he smelt. Not wanting to cause the alpha trouble for their previous night, he scattered through his drawer for scent blockers, and luckily found the blue can Midoriya had given him.

'A few good mists should do the trick.' He thought as the scent of Bakugou faded, but it didn't go away completely. It wasn't prominent to the point that he would be smelt from a mile away, but if you get close enough you'd definitely catch a whiff. Shrugging his shoulders at his better judgement, he made his way toward the dining hall, the delicious scents of breakfast clouding his thoughts all the way there.

   As he found himself at the dining hall, most of class 1-a had also taken their seats or were serving themselves at the small breakfast buffet. His eyes landed on Momo. She fixed her hair and slapped her face a few times, trying to decided on what was better to eat he. It didn't take her long to notice him either.

"Oh hey Todoroki, how ya-" Her words came to a sudden halt when hands cupped Todoroki's waist, Mineta practically drooling over how much the omegas body had developed.

"Mmm mm mm! Todoroki, my offer still stands baby. I'll happily be your beta boy!~" Todoroki's nose scrunched in disgust, his answer still obvious. A growl from their left startled the three. Said lot noticing the blonde alpha's threatening aura as crimson eyes glared at the beta's hands.

"Don't you have other omega's to fuck around with dweeb? Fuck off before I make you." After hearing the tone, Mineta wasted no time scurrying toward another section of the bar. Even Momo backed off and strolled toward her adorable omega, not wanting to get between that.

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