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It was witches hour, the darkest part of the night and the streets bared no life, the lamps that were overhead buzzed and flickered. Uraraka was scared to death, not just because of what she was about to do, but because she didn't know when, how, or where she was going. Will they really save her in time? Why were they only kidnapping Omegas? When will-

Her thoughts were cut off by a loud bang down an alleyway. It sounded like a loud thud on the trashcan, that tipped over and spilled its contents. She walked over quietly, scanning the area as she walked down the dark, narrow, alley. It seems as though nothing was here, but like all other times this happened, it was quick and she didn't have time to fight. A hand grabbed her from behind while the other stiffed a cloth over her mouth and within seconds, she was out.

"Well, that was easy. I thought she'd put up for of a fight. Stupid hero coming in her by herself too." A man laughed. The other nodded and picked Uraraka up and over his shoulder like times before.

"We better move quick. I don't know if she had an ally near by or not." And with that they swept through the night, falling back to home base.

Little did they know, a group of heros were hot on their tails.


"This is so far! How do they do this every night?" Momo complained while running along side the group of four.

"They are probably driven by the fact that heros will pumble their asses if they stayed close. It's smart they have their hideout so far away." Bakugou grunted. He looked around and noticed the city they traveled in didn't look so friendly. It was more rundown and had more lurkers within the shadows. Midoriya also noticed, stopping the group by a small shop that had closed for the night.

"It's becoming more sketchy the farther we go from home. Keep a low profile and let's not run anymore. We need to change into something more fitting for out area. Yaoyorozu, could you make us something?" Midoriya asked. She nodded and started to make material, crafting all black gear and hoodies for the four of them.

"I'll run ahead to see exactly where we are and what the nearest police station is. I'll join you three after with the police. Just let me know when's the appropriate time to approach." Iida said before he ran off. It was up to them now.


Uraraka woke up in a quiet room. It was dark and held no scent at all. She attempted to move but her body buckled under her.

"What the hell. I can't move."

"Of course not dear. Don't try to anymore either, you'll only be hurting yourself, little hero." A scratchy voice sounded from the corner of the room. She jumped back, now realising she was restrained by the wrists with metal cuffs. She pushed herself back as far away from the voice as she could but was quickly met with a wall.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you..not yet at least. But don't worry about that either, I'll make sure you feel good after." Uraraka could actually hear the smile in his voice. Her inner omega flinching at what that could possibly mean. She attempted to growl but was smacked with overpowering alpha pheromones that made it come out as a whimper.

"Take in the scent my sweet omega. It'll hurt at first, but I promise you'll love it later." He chuckled a bit before continuing, "You won't remember this anyway." The alpha proceeded to pump out more pheromones till Uraraka was completely in submission, and that's when another alpha stepped into the room and touched her forehead. It was like she couldn't see anything, just smell, sound and feeling was all knew. She could feel every inch of her body as if it was on fire and started to pant heavily. With one last whimper, she cried for someone to save her.


In a room not to far from hers, Todoroki stayed backed against the corner in silence. He could smell other Omega's in a full blow heat and how the alpha pheromones mixed. Faint whimpers and growls could be heard around him. He didn't know what was coming, but he could take a wild guess and wanted nothing to do with it.

A knock at his door made him jump. Already stumbling to his feet while giving a deep growl. The door opened softly and two very tall alpha's stepped inside and closed the door behind them.

"Are you ready to comply yet omega? Or must you keep refusing? Be careful Throne, this is a feisty one." The omega gave another growl and bared his teeth. The two just laughed, staring down at the much smaller omega.

"Sucks your quirks don't work in here, huh, sweet omega? I'm sure you'd be a lot more to handle." Without warning a fist flew toward the man's face and he landed back on his ass.

"Why that little shit. Do it Throne, make the little cunt pay." He demanded, his pissy pheromones leaking out as his anger grew. The alpha was quick to pinch a nerve on the omega that sent Todoroki to the ground, the alphas pheromones releasing out that made Todoroki flinch hard and throw himself back while covering his nose. But they were ripped away from his face, was grabbed and pressed right against the scent gland on the strong alpha. He was tightly locked within those arms.

"Leave me alone! Fuck off!" Todoroki snarled. He attempted to bite at the man covering his mouth until a hand placed itself right on his forehead and he froze. He couldn't see anymore. His body went limp in the alphas lap as it began to heat up rapidly. The slick trickled down his bottom and he whimpered weakly.

No good, need to fight!

"Don't even try it my pretty Omega. There's nothing you can do now. Just sit there till we come back with a proper alpha to mate you with." His laugh echoed throughout the unknown Chambers as the door slammed behind them. Todoroki bundled himself up and began to cry. He didn't want to be mated to some random alpha, a forever bond that cannot be broken with a complete stranger. 'Just hang in there Todoroki, we can do this.' was all he could think to himself as he awaited his worst nightmare.

Hey hey hey! So here's a chapter for you all! I lied about smut in this one, but the next chapter FOR SURE!! For now, seeya all real soon. I'm talking like, tomorrow kinda soon. Possibly tonight who knows. 👀

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