Chapter III

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The rain had lasted all week in Musutafu, Japan; it's thundering storms never ceased to stop for a moment and kept on the down pour. It was foggy this Friday morning, but thankfully they didn't have to walk far through the bold , grey mist to reach their class. Todoroki, for once in his life had become more comfortable with the precipitation, almost enjoying the gentle petals plopping against the ground, and the way everyone huddled with a partner since the weather only seemed to grow colder.

Currently the omega sat at his usual seat next to Momo, trying to pay attention to what Mr. Aizawa had been teaching this morning. Unfortunately the key word in there was trying, because all the smaller male could do was stare at Midoriya, slightly smiling as he watched the other helplessly interact with Bakugou. He never did learn did he?

"Do you really have a thing for Midoriya?" The female alpha whispered next to him.

"Yeah, but I don't think he would like someone like me. His taste looks to run more found of the bubbly girly type." A tint of aggravation in his voice caused the other to giggle lightly. It was rare to see Todoroki act this way, but she also couldn't deny it was unbelievably adorable.

"Well why don't you try and get his attention?" Heterochromatic eyes glanced at her before turning back to the alpha.


"What do you mean 'how?' It's all about observation. Make him notice you and what he's missing." The omega scoffed.

"That's ridiculous Momo. That kind of stuff doesn't work in real life. Get your head out of those mangas." A quick flick to the forehead caused the raven haired woman to growl playfully, smiling to herself. But perhaps that'd have to be put into motion later because the bell had finally rang for lunch.

"Lets go to lunch Momo, I'm tired sitting in this chair."

"Agreed! They have your favorite today!"


Yaoyorozu's comment had sounded absolutely insane. He couldn't just pry that kind of attention from Midoriya, it was wrong. His mind began to wonder of the possibilities of his second dynamics power. He knew being an omega had its advantages but he was sure he wouldn't have the other at his feet either. Plus Midoriya had kindly offered him to stay in his room till the storms passed, so it would feel like betraying his trust and good will to do something that would possibly hurt the alphas feelings. At least he thought there wasn't-

"Here's some soba, please move along." His train of thought stopped as a small bowl was placed on his silver tray. Usually he would ask for a bigger one since it was all he ate when it came to these days, but seeing as how the line glared at him from behind he didn't waste time standing there any longer. He scanned the room till they landed on Jirou and Yaoyorozu chatting with each other at one of the bigger booths, waiting for him and a few other friends to arrive.

   A harsh brush to Shouto's side had sent the poor omega stumbling backwards till he came to a sudden hault with a hard thud, his back hitting someone's chest. Todoroki turn around to meet a pair of annoyed crimson eyes.

"S-Sorry Bakugou-"

"Watch where you're going Icy Hot! I almost dropped my stupid food." Bakugou growled, lowering his tray back down and let the omega fix himself.

"Dude, food isn't stupid, it's the love of my life." Kirishima quickly retorted, grabbing a slice of his orange and munched on the citrus fruit.

Todoroki could only watch as Bakugou straightened himself out, brushing his free hand through his spiky locks and tugged down on his uniform. The strong alpha had noticed the staring and scrunched his nose, close to snapping till he noticed what little food was on the omega's tray.

Differences ~DekuTodo & BakuTodo OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now