Chapter II

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"No no no! This is not what it looks like!"

   Midoriya covered Todoroki with his body as he shook his hands frantically at his classmates. Todoroki didn't understand what Midoriya was flustered about, but stood and groggily walked over, rubbing his eyes and tried to place an assuring hand on his shoulder only to realize his hands was on the others back. He opened his eyes more fully now to see the alpha had grown a head above himself. The display of surprise that was on his classmates faces only assured him it wasn't just himself seeing this. Thankfully his classmates brought him out of this hypnosis, yanking his eyes away from Midoriya and were now on Kaminari.

"Dude, how the heck did you get so tall!" Now that Midoriya realized it, he was much taller than most of his classmates, about a few inches taller than Iida, but still not as tall as Shouji and sugar rush. He definitely needed to see recovery girl, or at least Mr. Aizawa about the 11 inch difference in his height. Was this as normal things Alpha's go though? Maybe they went over it on class but he didn't hear? Ugh!!

"I don't know! I went to bed last night and woke up like this! My whole body feels like it was stretched out to the max!"

"Of course, but can someone tell me as to why Todoroki is in here too?" Uraraka chimed in on the conversation. Ashido also pointing at Todoroki and scrunched her face a little.

"Yeah, and isn't that your shirt Midoriya?"

   The class waited for a response and finally annoyed with the pondering of questions, Todoroki glared, a hard glare that had a couple of people cringing while others dared to look away. Sure Todoroki was an omega, but in all honestly his resemblance to an alpha sure did shine though most of the time.

"You're all so quick to assume things and honestly I find it a bit annoying, not to mention impolite and disrespectful. But if you must know, last night I was having a rough time sleeping and Midoriya happened to be awake, so he offered me to stay and relax with him till it passed." Todoroki's face flushed a bit as he thought of the next part."I was going to go back to my room but I was too tired and felt very drained, so he let me spend the night here. Nothing more and nothing less. It was a true act of friendship and I could only appreciate his company at that time. So again," He turned toward Midoriya,"Thank you."

   With that, he grabbed his shirt and shorts from yesterday and pushed his way passed the group. They were all stunned, but knew that they shouldn't question it further. Uraraka stood frozen and felt her heart break a little.

'Deku was the one who invited Todoroki?' Her mind wondered if she'd done the same thing she could have her night spent with Deku as well. Perhaps tonight? She couldn't risk not being close to Deku, seeing as how Todoroki is a lot closer to him than she realized. A threat, did he also have a thing for Deku?

"Well guys I'm gonna change and see recovery girl so if you could, um ya know..?" Taking the hint, they scattered back to their dorm rooms. Midoriya quickly changed and headed over to Recovery girl first, hoping she'd have the answer to his sudden change.

Jogging there had taken him a little over 8 minutes, rain still lightly coming down and droplets of water stuck to his clothing. Thankfully her office was open and he gave a soft knocked. A polite 'come in' sounded as if she was a little farther away from the door, so he came in and waited by her computer, sitting himself on the guest chair.

"What could I do for you hun- oh my goodness! Is that you small Midoriya?" The elder lady covered her mouth, a light blush forming on her wrinkly cheeks as she looked at the young alpha.

"My my, I'm guessing you have questions, is that right?" He nodded his head and walked over to her, his height difference more noticeable now as he stood before her. She smiled and took his arm before swinging down with a hard 'slap!' on his wrist.

Differences ~DekuTodo & BakuTodo OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now