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  The following morning, Todoroki awoke to the soft patter of droplets on the wet pavement outside. A mixed scent of Midoriya and earthy greens filling his nose pleasantly as he snuggled into the sheets more. The colder air pricked at his feet, pushing the omega back against the alpha behind him for warmth. The gesture didn't go unnoticed though, a deep chuckle rumbled against his back.

"Cold?" Todoroki shot up, twisting around to face the voice.

"A bit chilly, yes. I'm so sorry I imposed last night. I don't even remember falling asleep." Midoriya laughed and opened his mouth as if to say something, but quickly shut it again.

"You know what, I don't either."

  Small talk filled with laughter followed the rest of that morning. Though unfortunately it couldn't stay that way for too long. Both newly pro heros needed to finished up their last few files of work and grab a permanent license card to finally be out on the field legally. It was almost a week till the two met up again, but with the rest of class 1-A at their local bar to celebrate their achievement of four years of work paying off. They'd booked it for the evening, so the party was on!

"You know, a lot of you changed since the separation. Its nice to finally take a good look at you guys before I get drunk off my ass again." Sero smiled. The class grabbed 6 sets of table booths at the edge of the bar and pushed them together to make the ultimate seating pantry. Most were taken up quickly while others scattered off to either buy drinks or take an important call, but all were together nonetheless.

"Seriously though, some of you Omega's have a seriously nice rack or killer curves." Mineta drooled, squishing his hands while moving toward Uraraka and Todoroki.

"That's enough Diaper boy! We don't need the sexual charges tonight, thank you very much." Iida scolds as his hand keep him from advancing toward the two. Todoroki glanced about till his eyes landed on Kirishima, noticing the redhead had made his way toward the front of the bar, seeming a little more anxious and distant than he should for a get together. Hell, the dude was as open and cheerful as a person gets, this was definitely out of character. So the omega got from his seat and strolled over toward the beta, debating with himself before tapping his shoulder.

"You holding up okay, Kirishima?" Crimson eyes snap to him as a forced smile played on his lips.

"Yeah, I just thought Bakugou would've come along too, but I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up." Todoroki understood what the beta was getting at. So, giving into his omega instincts, he gives a small squeeze to his shoulder reassuringly, a soft, apologetic smile aimed his way.

"I'm sure he'll come, just give him a few more minutes. We all know he has a tendency to come fashionably late to things like this, so don't worry." The omega assured, but the red head only nodded his head slowly. Though the omega didn't realised said male was already approaching the two.

"What are you two losers doing out here? Get inside! It's fucking cold." He opened the door harshly while gesturing with his hand for both to step inside. The two wasted no time, almost jogging passed Bakugou as he followed. It didn't take long for the rest of class 1-A to notice the blonde joining them and welcomed him with open arms, ignorning his various grumbles and unthreatening growls.

"Why're you so late Bakubro? I thought we wouldn't see ya!" Kaminari smirked, handing the blonde a glass of cold liquor. The alpha only grumbled again, snatching the glass before taking a swig.

"I had to submit the last of my papers at the state office but the fucktards took their shitty time and had me waiting a whole damn hour before I was even seen!"

"Calm down Bakugou, it's over now. No need to get so worked up over nothing. Plus, there was really no rush to get here, we were just teasing!!" Uraraka beamed. She gestured to a seat between her and Kaminari, which he took and hung his jacket on since the bar was a lot warmer inside, the alcohol not helping either. Kirishima was quick to move a seat closer to Bakugou, the beta trying to draw attention to himself as he chugged down a whole glass without stopping.

"Dude, you're gonna like, mess up your liver of you keep doin that." Satou warned, but the night was still young and the party had only just begun. Kirishima was about to gulp another down till he noticed Bakugou wasn't looking at him, but those firey eyes were fixated across the table at a certain omega, who was lost in a conversation with the alpha's rival and Momo. So he scoffed, putting the glass down while excusing himself.

"Oh come on Kirishima!! You could totally do another one! Even just a shot!" But the beta was already heading toward the bathroom fuming.

Later, the owners thought it'd be nice to bring in a small dj for the bar that night for their next in line heros. They were a nice batch after all and what screams party more than alcohol and music? Well, let's just say a whole lot of dancing the night away with friends was an amazing finish toward their youth and onward toward the new world.

Bakugou on the other hand stayed on the booth. Watching his classmates laugh and enjoy the night. He was satisfied with that, but he would be lying if he didn't say would like some company. Alas his prayers were answered when Todoroki of all people say beside him.

"I thought you were afraid of me."

"Well, when you're not a raging lunatic who possess over me, I do enjoy your presence." Todoroki scoffed.

"Fair. So," the alpha turned to look down at the omega."What shift did they give you for work? They gave me mostly nights, but a few of them are during the day."

"Actually I believe they gave me something similar." The smaller male smiled. "I assume they want more of the elder pros working the days, so I guess you, Midoriya and I will all be working together."

"I have to work with an omega and that nerd? Jesus fuck, that's the last thing I wanted." Bakugou scowled. He watched as the omega smirked. It would be a lie if he said he wasn't surprised at the others reaction.

"Oh, really? Are you afraid I'll steal your thunder, Katsuki?" He purred.

"Shut up! Like hell I'll let that happen!!" Todoroki laughed loudly, clenching his stomach as he smacked his head down on the table.

"Shut up icy hot! I'll kick your ass if you're making fun of meeeee!" But he only laughed harder, watching as the blonde went a shade of red while his quirk crackled in his hands. Both were unaware of the eyes watching them from afar.

Heya peeps! It's been a fat minute, hasn't it? So I'm getting into this story again so expect more frequent updates!! I'm thinking every Saturday or Sunday. Honestly it just depends on how busy I am but recently I've had more free time!!

So hop on this hype train and let's get these updates rollin!

Btw thanks for all the supportive and sweet comments, I read each one of them so thank you for that!! :3 ❤️

New cover art :O

Differences ~DekuTodo & BakuTodo OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now