Chapter V

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Hey guys! It's gonna be a brief chapter till the good stuff comes next time! So sorry if it's a lot shorter than usual!

  "The separation of Alpha and Omega here at U.A. is now in secession. Please do not be alarmed, this has nothing to do with the classifications of the dynamics, but with the things what come with it. With life in the dorms comes a risk for our omega's and we are trying our best to keep them safe. Permission to see each other will be forbidden until the sports festival. Anything otherwise and they will be expelled immediately."  Shouta Aizawa announced as the press shoved mics and video cameras at his face. It was being held in front of the mass school, showing the brand new dorms under construction while separation walls came between the schools lots, which should be done by the time summer is over.

"That is all." And six of the pro teaching hero's stood and walked back into the school, an angry press shouting questions behind them.

"You know they're gonna be calling us all kinds of stuff, right? Are you sure we have to go through with this?" Present Mic asked. Midnight slapped her whip and aimed right at his nose.

"Of course we do. I know it will look bad at first, but people will soon realize what good it brings. Those are just the qualifications to join our school, and if they can't handle that, they don't belong here." The other four nodded, watching as the dorms were finishing up and some of the employed started to work on the division wall.

- - With the group outside of school! - -

   All of class 1 - A had decided to meet up one last time, excluding Todoroki, and had a large potluck picnic at the local park.

"Welp, this is everyone who could make it! Todoroki couldn't come because of family matters, but that's ok, I'm just glad I could see the rest of you one last time before we go back to school." Momo smiled, hugging Jirou a little closer at the thought of the upcoming separation.

"Yeah, man, we could do this every summer!!" Krishima high fives Kaminari, who slapped back twice as hard. "Ow dude, what the crap! That hurt!" The others only laughed, digging into the prepared food, enjoying the last day with close friends.

- - Opening Ceremony - -

   The large edifice that split the learning plaza in two had finished. All students gathered around the large front of the school, ready for their principle to announce who would go where. Nezu strolled to the maple wood podium, greeting the students and welcoming them back from their vacation.

"Now that that's over with, we will begin the splitting process. For betas, this may be a bit confusing as you are assigned at random. Some will go with alpha's while others will go with omega's. We expect no complaints but if you do have a problem with where you are, do speak with us and give a legitimate reason why you should be put where. As of today, this new systems starts!"

   And so the separation began. Class 1-A had mostly stayed the same, aside from the omega's and few betas that were now missing. Bakugou growled loudly, slamming his fist on his desk. His eyes pierced at Midoriya, his K-9's purposely exposed as he scowled at the slightly smaller male. The two were put on opposite sides of the class, not once talking to each other  as time went by. Plenty of failed attempts at redeeming their friendship had been in vain for Midoriya, so eventually he gave up, listening to Iida about how it's futile to tie dead ends.

   Teaching had also been very different. Instead of the teacher being in the homeroom, Mr Aizawa broadcasted to the split class and answered questions from both sides, making it a lot easier than teaching the same lessons twice a day. Most teachers would have to teach different days for both sides when it came to quirks though. Each side becoming stronger with each passing day, but were also curious about how the others were doing, or if they were even there at all.

   Todoroki sighed deeply as he sat in his new dorm room. He'd just finished moving all his belongings into the drawers and fix his sheets to his liking. Just like Midoriya's room, it had a built in fireplace to blur out the stormy nights.


   The scent was faint, but Todoroki could smell the slightest hint coming from somewhere. It wasn't till he checked the back pocket of his luggage to see the shirt Midoriya had let him borrow made its way here. The omega's eyes constricted as he breathed the shirt in heavily, slightly melting till he had to take a seat on his bed. He missed his friends, Momo especially. Thankfully he still had Jirou here to comfort him, but he also felt bad the beta couldn't be with her lover. Perhaps she'd be moved on request, he hoped she would. He stuffed his face into the white tee, dozing off till he finally found himself asleep peacefully, but a bit heartbroken.

   As for Uraraka, she spent all her time blaming the omega for splitting up the class and plenty of friendships. It wasn't fair, no, and Kirishima had sided with her, being stuck on the other side where he couldn't reach Bakugou. It pained plenty of people, but there was nothing anyone could do.

   The years passed quickly, but felt as if time slowed for the ones longing. Most students didn't even see their classmates at the festival, and if they did, there was no time for talking. It was all about who was the best, who would come out on top. There was no time for heartwarming greetings or chummy conversation. No, it was the time to show what you were made of, to show what you offer that no one else could. They were over as soon as they started, not even a chance for farewell. The longing only bloomed more, but that wasn't to say the all omegan school wasn't peaceful. It was nice to not strut your stuff and show off all the time, it was nice to be around your own dynamic, but it got old fast. Sure there were betas, but they weren't the satisfying Alpha's the omega's longed for.

   As the years came to an end, so did the wait. Graduation was just around the corner and the lost friends would once again reunite. It was only one week away and Todoroki, as well as the rest of his classmates couldn't be more excited.

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