Chapter VI

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Graduation day was finally here. After three years of waiting, the hour struck twelve, students walked out toward the large field where they held the sports festival and sat in their assigned chairs. They were arranged in two separate parts, a split down the middle with 100 students each side. The top ten seats on both sides consisted of the upcoming hero's who showed promise, ready to be sent into the battle field. The stadium filled with families who chanted their children's names, air horns and whistles from proud parents as they jumped and watched as their child walked down the aisles and to their seats.

Nezu started off the graduation with a warm welcome and congratulations to the class of that year. All might and the other homeroom teacher's present too, holding metals and certificates of their diploma. They too were proud, a soft smile gracing their features as eyes filled with almost unnoticeable tears.

"Now we will be presenting our top studengs from both Alpha and Omega class. We can start over here." Nezu gestured toward the group on his right. They stood and lined up, all cameras pointed and ready to follow.

"First we have our top student Omega , Shouto Todoroki! An extremely powerful and promising hero for our future!" Said male walked up the three steps and onto the stage, receiving his medal and diploma. As the omega turned toward the crowd, everybody was in awe. Todoroki had changed a lot over time. His eyes were certainly bigger, his features more refined but a feminine hue came through and it was glowing. He only grew a bit more, but was as curved as an omega could get. He was absolutely stunning, radiant as he smiled toward the camera for his picture.

"And now our top student from alpha class, Izuku Midoriya! He topped even some of All Mights scores throughout his years here at U.A.! We can't wait to see his skills put to the test!" The alpha walked and also received his medal and diploma, shaking the hand, or paw, of Nezu and smiled for his picture. Todoroki's eyes widened at the sights of the alpha, time seemed to slow as the clash of crimson and blue met emerald eyes the first time in years. Midoriya has surely become far more stronger over the years, his hair a bit longer, but only just a tad as it didn't cover up his sharp jawline and the delicate look in his eyes. He certainly grew a bit taller, his body matured and finely toned; his muscled stature slightly shown through the gown. Todoroki inhale sharply as the alpha shinned a smiled at him with a small wave.


Todoroki blushed wildly, a small, shy wave he return. He turned back to the audience, not expecting an arm to sling itself around his shoulder. The omega glanced up to see Midoriya, the heartbeat in his ears thumped louder as he was enveloped in his scent. A snap of a camera followed by a flash took him off guard, the camera man smiling as he showed the picture of the two. Todoroki only looked at him confused.

"They said they wanted a picture of us since we're the top of our classes." Midoriya explained as he let go of the others shoulder. Todoroki inwardly winced at the lost contact with the alpha, almost grabbing at the others arm but restrained himself as that would put him in an awkward situation in front of at least half the worlds population.

"I'll catch ya at the graduation party Todoroki! It was nice seeing ya!" And so the other ran off stage, the omega thinking he should do the same. The rest of the graduations consisted of naming out students while their parents cheered. It lasted about two hours before it was over and the students could greet their families.

- - -

Kirishima was first to fling himself at Bakugou who for once embraced the missed companion. He hated to admit it, but with shitty hair not around the place got boring real fast. The beta pulled away, punching the blondes stomach while raising his eyes brows.

"Hey dude, how does it feel to be No.2?" The red head laughed. About what Bakugou said before, fuck that.

"Fuck you shitty hair. I'm not going to loose to that..THAT DEKU!" Uraraka glanced over and giggled to herself. Kirishima had told her about his crush on Bakugou, and she was happy to see that they were back together, as well as Jirou and her alpha. She was also scanning the crowd for familiar green hair, her heart pounding as she walked around the large ball room.

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