Author's Note

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What's good guys?

Before the story begins, I want to explain some things.

First, I'm not perfect. I proof read all of the chapters but I know I'll probably forget some mistakes here and there. Sorry in advance! Second, I'm not a professional. I'm trying to write as clear and consistent as possible but I may loose track of some stuff. Next, I'm a busy person just like y'all. I'm in college so I'm trying to have the time of my life but I'm also trying to survive. I'll update once every couple of days though because the book isn't that long.

Lastly, I really do hope you enjoy this story.
It's something different that I haven't read on Wattpad so I thought about creating this book. Also, the symbols €£¥ are just random lol they literally have no correlation to the story.

Cool, any questions or comments?

Then let's begin.

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