Part 1: The Principal

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"Good Monday morning!" Superintendent William Perkins said enthusiastically to a group of sleepy, coffee drinking teachers. "I know you have all been patiently waiting for your new principal. Well, the wait is over...I'd like to introduce you all to Ms. Kelly York." 

I walked into the teachers lounge. I was wearing a black pantsuit, with a black and white polka dot blouse and black high heels. My lipstick was red, my hair was tied atop my head in a neat bun. I topped off my polished professional look with the pearl earrings my grandmother gave me two days before she passed. She was the only living relative that I knew of.

"Thank you for that wonderful introduction!" I exclaimed with a smile that could melt a glacier. "You're most certainly welcome." Mr. Perkins returned the smile. His voice cracked and he tried desperately to keep his eyes above my neck. He stepped back as if to give me the floor. He could easily be my father but when did that ever stop a man's eyes from exploring? He was greeted with looks of confusion and disgust from the other teachers. "I thought we could take this time to get to know Ms. York before classes start today." Everyone stood very still and quiet. It felt like the day the girls had to ask the boys to the dance. Awkward. "Alright, well...I'll start." I offered. "I'm a graduate of Marriette College. I was a teacher for six years at Torrington Elementary, 3rd grade.  Then, I was promoted to Temporary Assistant Principal for one year just as a fill in, and now I'm here!" I said. I tried to sound enthusiastic but it didn't seem to work. Everyone just stared at me. I noticed a couple women whispering to themselves but I refused to be made uncomfortable. I continued to smile.

"Uh, hi." One of the male teachers laughed nervously stepping forward, reaching  out for a handshake. "I'm Todd Carrington, I teach 11th grade sociology. I've been here at Hillson High for nine years." "Nice to meet you Mr. Carrington." I smiled shaking his sweaty hand. He continued to stand next to me and I found it comforting. "I bet sociology is interesting." I said raising up on the tips of my toes. It was something I did when I was nervous. "It is, I get the kids thinking alright." Todd smiled proudly. "Hello, Ms. York, I'm Mike Murphy. I'm the 10th grade gym teacher, twelve years strong." he smiled and he too shook my hand. A short mousy woman wearing a flowered knee length skirt, a white button down blouse and a striped sweater stepped forward awkwardly. "I'm Hanna Quarters, I teach 9th grade English, and, uh, I've been here for two years." she stammered and tried to smile but it was strained. She looked young and her voice was small and childlike. She took her glasses off, rubbed the lenses on her sweater and put them back on her face. "You'll love it here, the kids are great." she tried again but still her smile was feigned. "Thank you, I think so too." I answered smiling back. 

"Mrs. Ross." the woman with bright curly red hair said aggressively. "I teach 12th grade precalculus algebra. I have for thirteen years. I enjoy my job and I plan on continuing to do so." she said defiantly. She also wore a bun atop her head as tight as mine. But she was much older, much more poised and definitely more confident. She didn't step forward to shake hands. In fact, she never moved from the spot she held. Her blue eyes were piercing right through me. But I never broke eye contact. Instead, I answered with the same antagonistic tone that Mrs. Ross had. "Good to meet you Mrs. Ross. I look forward to working with you." I smiled so wide that I could feel the skin at the corners of my lips breaking, but she didn't care. Mrs. Ross just squinted her eyes, turned and left the teachers lounge. "Don't worry, she's not always like that." Mr. Perkins said. "I've known Gretta for twenty years, she likes to put on a tough act." Mr. Murphy nodded in agreement. 

"Alright, well if we're all good here, we might want to get to class now people. The students are filing in. If any of the rest of you would like to grow up and introduce yourself to your new principal, you can do so throughout the day." Mr. Perkins said angrily like he might if he were speaking to a room full of miscreants. The teachers walked out simultaneously. "I'm really sorry about that. I guess they weren't expecting someone so young to be the new principal." he sounded apologetic. "I can understand that...they probably didn't think a woman would take the title either." I answered trying not to sound too sarcastic. Mr. Perkins looked taken aback by my bluntness. "Thanks for your help, I guess I'll get to my office and get myself situated."  I told him. I picked up the cup of now cold coffee and left. 

^^^^^^^^^Thank you for reading PERCEPTION! This book was written out of pure curiosity as to what we perceive a person to be. This book tells the story of a woman who is being taunted by a psychopath. She is playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse and fears for her life at every turn...or does she?^^^^^^^^^^



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