Part 3: Devon

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The bell rang and 1st period was over. I sat back down in my chair. I had to think. I hadn't seen Devon in over a year. He was finally convicted of menacing, criminal stalking, kidnapping, rape and tampering with a witness. He was sentenced to two years in prison since I was the second woman he did this to. But he had friends in high places, namely the judge. So, he was given two years, but only had to serve one year and one year probation. He was about to walk away scot free because his attorney argued that we had no proof he was the one who wrote SLUT on my white Maxima in red paint. Or that he broke out all the windows in my ground floor apartment, or that he poisoned my cat. How could I forget about Greg? I dated him for a very short time after Devon. He however couldn't handle Devon's constant texting and calling, no matter how many times I changed my number...or seeing him standing randomly in the parking lot whenever he picked me up for a date. The last straw for him was when he was on his way home from work and his car just stopped- right in the middle of a dark road that he took to get there. It was so perfect it had to be calculated. Those were just petty little nuisances to Devon.

He was leading up to the grand finale: ME.  

Greg was called to testify that he was a witness to Devon's psychotic behavior. Devon wanted to stop him. So, he put sugar in Greg's gas tank. Luckily Greg was a stickler about keeping a full tank of gas so his car wasn't ruined because of it. But it was just enough to stop him right where Devon wanted him. He was a sitting duck, suit jacket off, sleeves rolled up, car hood up trying to figure out what was going on with his car when suddenly there was Devon. Appearing out of the dark with a baseball bat. He was dressed as Batman, complete with a cape. He taunted Greg, telling him that he could never love me the way he did. He waved the bat in his face and told him how he made love to me that last time. The time I was dumb enough to believe that he was changed, that he wanted to be different. The time I let him in and he was inside me, slow and first. He whispered to me how much he wanted me. He told me how much he loved me. How no one else could ever take my place and that I would never find another man like him. Then his tone became more sinister and he told me I was just a stupid bitch that needed him to tell me everything. That I couldn't make a move without him. I started crying, begging him to get off of me. He continued to thrust in and out of me, harder and harder and faster and faster. 

The more I cried the more excited he became. He grabbed my hair and slammed my face into the backboard. I screamed. SHUT THE FUCK UP! he yelled. I cried. "You like this, I know you do. You want this." he whispered. "You'll never be rid of'll never forget me." he kept whispering. He kept pounding. I kept whimpering wishing he would just kill me. Finally, he became irrational. He started screaming as loud as he could. He told me how much he hated me. He loathed me was the word he used. He broke a glass that I kept beside my bed. This is it I thought. He's finally going to kill me. I stopped trying to brace myself and relaxed all the muscles in my body. He could feel me giving up. He felt me giving in to him. Every part of my existence begging to die waiting for the slash of the broken glass."No!" he yelled. "Don't you stop! DON'T!"  I could slit your throat he said lowly. I should slit your throat. He spoke so closely to my ear his saliva ran down my eardrum. His penis was harder now than it was when he started. It seemed to go on for hours. Even if I wanted to I no longer had the energy or the will to survive. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Yoo hoo!" she called as she often did in the early mornings. Mrs. Morgan was my neighbor. She was such a kind soul. She used to bake me cookies and tell me stories about her life. She liked to take her shitzu Max out for a walk before the sun came up. She said he wasn't as aggravated when it was cool. I would join her because I could get in my daily walk. But not I was a prisoner. I was trapped in my apartment being raped by a maniac. Someone who claimed to love me once. Someone who I once thought of as a protector. "Yoo hoo! Kelly!" she called again. I heard Max bark. Max never barked. Unless he felt threatened or sensed danger. "Get rid of her!" he hissed lowly in my ear." "If you even think about telling her, I'll kill the old bitch just for the fun of it." The words sent a chill down my spine. He pulled out of me and my first instinct was to run. Run screaming for help. But I thought of Mrs. Morgan. While I was almost sure I would make it out to the street, she would not know what was going on and fall helpless prey to a predator. 

I calmly grabbed my robe from the back of my bathroom door. "Hurry up honey...I can't wait to get back in you." He said it so sweetly that if I hadn't just spent the last six hours with him, I would've believed  him. Psycho. He was standing there shirtless, a big smile plastered across his face, his penis hanging out of the joggers he was wearing. He even still had his sneakers on...and he was holding a shard of glass. Seeing him that way I knew I would have to stay calm. He was ready to chase down and kill anyone and anything that got in his way. Probably even Max. I slowly opened the door and peeked around it pretending I was sleepy. "Hi...Mrs. Morgan...I'm, I'm sorry I can't go with you today." I said groggily. "Oh - are you feeling okay?" she asked in her grandmotherly tone. "Do you need something? Cough syrup? Orange juice? Oh I know, I can make you some of my homemade soup." She was rambling and in that moment I just wanted to hug her. I wanted to feel something other than the fear and hatred running through me. She wanted so much to help me feel better. But her soup and orange juice couldn't help this sickness. 

"No, Mrs. Morgan. Thank you, but no, I'll be fine. I just have an awful headache and I need some rest. I already took some Excedrin and I've been keeping hydrated too, before you ask." I smiled a weak smile. Her eyes grew bigger. Max barked. I could see her tense up and I was hoping the door was closed enough so Devon couldn't see her. She suddenly looked afraid. I kept smiling my weak smile and finally she winked at me. "Feel better sweetheart. We'll talk soon." She slowly walked back toward the elevators and I closed the door. "Good girl." I felt Devon's breath on the back of my neck and then I felt the shard of glass. He had pressed it against the lower part of my back. "You just saved her old ass. Get back in here!" he yelled. I led the way back to my bedroom. He was right on my heels. "Take the fuckin robe off! You know the deal!" he screamed. His eyed were wild and I could see there was no reasoning with him. "I have to use the bathroom." I said quietly. "Do I look like I care?" he asked me. "Now take it off!" I reluctantly let the robe slide to the floor. He smirked and then he reached out and smacked me right in the face. I lost my balance and fell. I tasted blood. "Get up." he whispered and his penis grew bigger again. He enjoyed the anguish he was causing. I stood with the help of my bed post. 

"I bet you think you'll be saved don't you? You think somehow I'll grow a conscience and let you go. You think I'll remember the love we had and beg for your forgiveness?" He smacked his tongue inside his mouth in a tsk, tsk manner. Then he let out a crazy laugh. "Are you afraid of me?" I nodded my head that I was. He closed his eyes and his head fell back. "Yes." he hissed to himself. "You should be. Get over here and hold my dick in your hands." I moved toward him, grabbed it and held it. "Stroke it bitch!" I began stroking it. My mind was racing. He was vulnerable now as all men, even crazy men are when their dick and balls are at stake. He was moaning, clearly enjoying what I was doing. "All you had to do was listen to me." he said. "Do what I say, how I say it. But no, you had to be an independent woman. You wanted to break up with me? YOU NEED ME!" his voice boomed in my ear. He screamed so loud my ears rang and I let go of him. "Stroke it!" he screamed. As I went to grab him again, there was a loud noise. My apartment door was kicked open. "Police!" "Drop the glass!" one of them commanded. I quickly moved away from him. "Get down on the ground now!" Devon looked at me and then he tried to lunge at me. One of the cops fired a round into his elbow. He yelled and dropped the glass. Then they tackled him to the floor. 

I was standing there naked, confused and in shock. Mrs. Morgan came to me and wrapped me in the blanket from my bed. As she touched me I jumped. "It's alright sweetheart. It's alright." she soothed me rubbing my hair. The police stood up with Devon and he was laughing. "Shut up!" the officer warned him. "It's a good thing we have our early morning walks that come with old woman wisdom." she smiled. She and I used to talk and share. So I shared with her that I thought Devon was dangerous. I told her I thought he was capable of hurting me, especially after I broke it off. I thought he was coming unraveled. She asked me what I would say to her if I ever needed her. I told her I would say I took Excedrin because I never got headaches and no one else would be the wiser.

Thank God she remembered. 


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