Part 11: The Safe Room

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"What do you mean?" I asked him. "What you described to me is a psychotic man, plain and simple. He doesn't care about himself, much less about you. He lies to you, plays with your emotions, scares you. When you told me about him before, I didn't want to get involved, I was trying to give you time and space as you asked. But if we have anything like I think we do, then I need to use this room." "For what?" "Do you want the truth or do you want me to sell you rainbows and butterflies?" I sighed heavily. "The truth." "I will find Devon and when I do I'll tie him up, blindfold him, and stick him in this room. I'll leave him here to die." He described this as if he was talking about making a chocolate cake. I gasped at the thought of what he was saying. "People like him don't make life easy. I can't sit around and wait for him to be standing over you again and then something worse." "I could go to the police..." "The police? They can't help you, they won't help you. They didn't before, remember?" "Yes but this is a new state." "Who knows how far Devon's arm can reach? He found you somehow didn't he?" He was telling the truth and I couldn't deny it. "I don't know." I said. "I never wanted to get you involved." "But I am involved." he insisted. "I like you a lot, but if you continue dealing with a guy like this he WILL KILL you." His words hit me like bricks. I looked around the room again. "Let me think about it." I finally said. He looked at me for the first time with a condescending look.


For the rest of the evening we watched Netflix. Wayne ordered pizza from Louis's and we pigged out on vanilla ice cream. Again I slept in his bed, in his pajamas. But I couldn't say what I did was sleep. I was too busy looking out of the windows to see if I could spot Devon. I was 100% sure he knew I was here. When I woke up in the morning Wayne already had coffee going. He made scrambled eggs and toast. "How did you sleep?" he asked. "Not good." I admitted. "Yeah, I can imagine. Well, here's some coffee maybe it'll help." I sat down on one of the white counter height stools. "How do you take your coffee?" "Today, black." He smiled poured the coffee and handed me the cup. I blew on it and then took a sip. "It's early." he said looking at the oven clock. "You want me to take you home so you can get ready for work?" "I have my car." "I know you have your car." he said sternly. I thought about it again and reconsidered. "Yes, I guess so." I said sipping more of the coffee. We finished up breakfast and then Wayne put his jacket on, I got my bag and followed him out to the garage. He started the car and the garage door opened up. As he backed out I noticed that he had already pulled my car in. At least it was safe.

When we got to my house I gasped. The neighbors were all standing in my yard or near my house. Wayne blew the horn so they would move. As they parted the way I could see the windows were broken and graffiti was sprayed everywhere. The word SLUT was written in red across my garage door. I closed my eyes. I was so embarrassed and ashamed. Wayne shut off the engine and we sat there for a few minutes. Finally I opened the car door and stepped out. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I could hear the whispers. "Thank God you weren't in there!" Lydia from next door called to me. I gave a faint nod in her direction and walked to my back door. Once I was out of sight, I let out a sigh and fumbled for my house keys. Wayne put his hands on my shoulders to help steady me. I finally found the keys, opened the door, and stepped inside. It was eerily quiet. Nothing but the hum of the refrigerator and a horrible smell. I walked up the three steps and into the kitchen. My hardwood floors were the first thing I noticed. There were big, deep scratches in them. My glass kitchen table was shattered. The cushions in the chairs were all ripped. The cabinet doors were all pulled off the hinges. My dishes and glasses were broken. My utensils were all thrown about. My oven and refrigerator looked to be bashed in with a hammer. I slumped back on the wall nearest me but Wayne caught me. "Come on." he said. He went on ahead of me and I followed. We reached the dining room. That table was wooden and it too had big deep scratches in it. Those chairs were also beaten so badly the legs were off of all four of them. My china cabinet was completely destroyed. The curtains were torn down to expose the broken windows and the few neighbors who were still hanging around. The living room was a nightmare. Both my couch and loveseat were ripped on every inch. There was urine and feces on the rug, which explained the smell. My tv was ripped off of the wall and smashed to pieces. My coffee table was broken. Magazines were shredded. Plants were overturned and dirt was everywhere. The curtains were torn down and here too the neighbors stood and watched. The den was next. My computer was smashed, books were ripped and burned, the safe I kept with my gun and a few valuables was pried open and everything was gone. I turned around to leave and realized then that Wayne was recording it all with his phone. He followed me up the stairs. Each room was destroyed just the same as downstairs. All except for bedroom. It was just the way I'd left it. Except he'd taken all my clothes and shoes and threw them out the window. There was a note on the bed with a picture of my dead cat. The note simply read: MEOW.

I couldn't believe the devastation my home had suffered. I felt sick and disgusted. I felt weak and emotionless. Wayne called the police so I could file a report. We went out back to wait for them because I didn't want to stay in the house. I had so much going on in my head and I just wanted to cry but because I was so devoid of emotion, the tears wouldn't fall. Wayne paced back and forth in an anxious tirade. I simply sat on one of the lawn chairs staring at the neighbors cat lazily stretched out on the railing. About fifteen minutes later the cops came. They asked me all sorts of questions and I tried to be as vague as possible. I didn't want to implicate Devon in any way because I had my own plans for him. I knew it would be my word against his and he was a crafty liar. Knowing the way he operated he more than likely wore gloves. I spoke to Detective Marks when the police were done. He asked me if there was some place else I could stay. "Due to all the damage, this looks personal to me. Most people who break into a house are looking to score some cash, maybe grab a tv or some other valuable items. This person was deliberate and took their time." he told me. "I think I can..." "Yes, she can stay with me, I don't mind." Wayne spoke up. "Good then." Detective Marks nodded. "She shouldn't be alone".

After they left, Wayne called someone and set up a time to have my house cleaned. He asked me if there was anything I wanted to salvage and I said no. Everything was destroyed anyway. "So, what are you thinking? You've been quiet." I didn't answer right away. What I was thinking could change Wayne and I forever. Most people start out a relationship with love and smiles, getting to know each other. Waiting for a phone call or a sweet text to say their thinking of you. Looking forward to dates and receiving flowers at work just because. Wayne and I were planning to kidnap a psycho path, lock him up, and wait for him to die. I had to be sure. "I was thinking about your safe room." I said flatly. With such conviction in my voice I knew I meant it.

Wayne never looked at me and instead he said 'it's done.'

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