Part 15: Don't Talk, Just Stitch

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I left the room, and headed back upstairs, careful to lock up as I went. Back in the light of the house, I decided to have a drink of the wine I bought. First though, I had to wash the knife. I got the bleach from under the sink, turned on the hot water, and cleaned the knife thoroughly. I wrapped it in tin foil and placed it in my purse. It would be my weapon of choice. Something about the feeling of pushing a knife into someone that gave me chills but also thrills. And he said I didn't have it in me. I showered and changed into something I hadn't worn in a long time; lingerie. I sat in the swinging chair in Wayne's garden just in time to enjoy the orange and pinks of the evening sunset. As I sipped my wine I thought about the events of the evening. Devon was quiet. I left the jazz playing but it was not on the loudest level as Wayne had it before. I could have killed him I thought. Why didn't I? Was I afraid. No, not fear. I wanted him to last so that he could endure all the fear and pain that I had endured. I wanted him to suffer. Nothing like exacting revenge on your terms. Now to deal with Stephanie. I know she would wonder why I hadn't told her about Devon being held hostage in the first place. I couldn't explain it to her and I couldn't worry about that now. I needed her help and she would either go with it or not.

"Babe?" Wayne called from somewhere inside the house. The word floated through the air like a butterfly on a warm summer night. "Out here!" I called back. It was the first time Wayne had used a term of endearment when he referred to me. He usually just called me K. "Hi. What are you doing out here, and in your nightie?" he asked like a concerned loving husband might ask. He bent down to kiss my forehead. We were carrying on like two normal people getting home from work to spend the evening together. Not like two adultnappers. Wayne sat down next to me on the swinging chair and began taking off his tie. I sipped the wine as I watched him closely. He never knew what kind of woman he was getting out of me. He thought I was a timid little rabbit of a woman. One who was afraid of her own shadow. One who made the mistake of letting a monster into her life and didn't know how to be set free. She was me, once. "What's that?" he asked eyeing me suspiciously. "Wine...Ornellaia to be exact." I answered as I swished the red liquid around in my glass. "Looks good." Wayne said. I held the glass to his lips and he opened his mouth so I could pour some for him to taste. There was just enough left for a good gulp and he licked the side of the glass where my lipstick stain remained.

It was such a sexy thing for him to do and I was turned on. I sat the glass down on the nearby table and turned to him. His eyes were already on me. He watched me as I pulled at the strings tying my laced top. It fell a loose effortlessly. He smiled as my breast revealed themselves to him. I climbed on top of him and we kissed like old lovers. He cupped by behind in his big hands and positioned me so that I was right on top of his dick. I went up and down on him as he continued to hold me in place. I felt his breath on my neck and then his lips softly kissing my skin. I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy him. I moaned and he moaned. I opened my eyes and looked into his and I screamed. All I could see was Devon. His eyes staring back at me. "What's wrong?" Wayne asked. He looked at me with such concern. I didn't know how to tell him that the eyes I was looking into were not his. It was haunting me. The thing I did was haunting me. But I had to shake it off. Wayne was still looking at me waiting for an explanation. He was also still inside me. Rather than try to give an answer that I'd rather not, I started humping him again. Being a man, he quickly resumed fucking me. For the first time since Wayne and I met, we slept together in the same bed. It was a welcome comfort to me to feel his warm body next to me. I slept with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me like a blanket.

I woke up when the sun beamed in from the skylight. Still in the same position we fell asleep in. I stirred a little trying not to wake him, but he woke up anyway. "Good morning beautiful." he said. "Good morning." He kissed my forehead again. This was a life I could get used to...but Wayne didn't know yet who I was turning into. He gave me a long stare before finally speaking. "What happened to you last night?" "What are you talking about?" "You know exactly what I'm talking about K. That scream you let out? What was that all about?" I just shook my head but didn't say anything. I sat up next to him. "Whatever it is, you know you can tell me." he said like he was talking to a teenager that was withholding a secret. "When the time is right, I will." I told him. "This feels familiar." he said. "Feels like the first time we met and you wouldn't tell me about the insane one in the basement." For lack of knowing what else to do, I shrugged. Breakfast was quiet. Wayne was showing his disappointment in me for not divulging what made me scream. Devon was quiet all morning. I hope he hadn't bled out during the night. "I have to go." I told Wayne. "Where, it's Saturday? I thought we could go grocery shopping together." I looked at the clock on the microwave. It was only 8:15. "I have an appointment I forgot about, but it shouldn't take long." I promised giving him a kiss.

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