Part 14: "You Bitch"

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When I got to Wayne's, or our house, as he told me to say, he was sitting in the gazebo in his backyard. Loud jazz music was playing and he was watching the birds fly around the birdfeeder he hung just a few feet away. He rose to his feet when he saw me and walked over to greet me. "Kelly, you're home." he said embracing me. "Is everything okay?" I asked hugging him back. "Yes, of course it is, I'm just glad you're home." he said. "I have to go back to the office for a while, but I'll be back soon. I made a rotisserie chicken and a salad if you're hungry." he told me kissing my forehead. "I'll be back soon." he repeated and disappeared around the bushes. I watched him leave before I went inside.

I now knew why Wayne had the music so loud. Devon was screaming to the top of his lungs. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" he yelled. Although the room was soundproof from the outside, we could hear him inside. He was muffled but still audible. How am I supposed to relax and enjoy my wine with him screaming like this? I thought. I'll go talk some sense into him. Maybe bribe him to be quiet with the promise of water and chicken. I took the familiar route to the desolate room in the basement. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. And there he was, still roped and chained to the wall. "You Bitch." he spat the words at me. I guess the water and chicken I wanted to offer was off the table. I had to hold my nose because he had urinated on himself and apparently at some point, gotten sick.

"You know I'm going to kill you and that mutherfucker when I get out of here." he told me. "The best thing you can do is cut me loose now. Maybe I'll go easy on you." he smirked. "I'll kill you quick and painless." "Cut you?" I said. "That's a very intriguing idea." "The fuck are you talking about?" he asked. " said cut you." I walked toward him and without saying another word, I knelt down on top of him, and I sunk the long, serrated kitchen knife into the soft flesh of his side. I turned on the flashlight app on my cell phone. I wanted to see his face. I was careful not to cut any major arteries so that he could continue to live. I felt the knife go easily into him and listened as he screamed a terrifying scream. As he hollered I slowly pulled the knife out. He started breathing harder now and blood poured from his mouth when he spoke. "You think you can do this don't you?" he asked. I cocked my head to one side the way he used to do. "You can't do this to me!" he yelled. "You don't have it in you, you stupid bitch." he said breathing harder. He was so nasty the way he spoke to me. I felt my face contort in confusion and anger as I quickly rammed the knife into his thigh. He shrieked. I stood there watching as the blood ran down his leg. His chest pumped up and down faster as he tried to catch his breath. I went back to pull the knife out as he struggled to breath.

Suddenly and uncontrollably, I laughed. The loudest most wicked laugh I could have ever laughed. "I love this." he breathed out hard. Blood ran from his lips as he continued to spit words at me. "You're a dumb, whore. I knew from the minute I laid eyes on you that I would kill you." I stopped laughing. We looked at each other in the dimness of my flashlight. "I hate you." he said. With those words I kicked him in the mouth. I watched as his head flew back hard into the wall. His head slumped down into his chest. Afraid that I'd killed him I walked over to see if he had a pulse. The bastard was thankfully still alive. I didn't want him to die before I could continue torturing him. I would have to get him stitched up if I wanted him to survive this long term. I could only think of one person for the job.

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