Part 21: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

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When I got home that evening, Wayne was waiting for me. "Hey, baby. You look exhausted." he said. "That obvious?" I asked and we laughed together easily like we always did. But deep down inside I was scared. I didn't know what Detective Harris was thinking, where his investigation would lead. I was about to be a mother, we were about to be parents. The sins I'd committed could possibly ruin us before we even got started. "Sit down." Wayne said taking my bags. I did as he asked. He sat down next to me, took my shoes off and started massaging my feet. I closed my eyes and sunk back into the couch. "You wanna talk about it?" he asked me. I did, but I didn't. I just wanted to pretend that we were a normal, happy couple, expecting our 1st child. That we met under normal circumstances, like at a friend's party, or even at church. I wanted to think about baby names and being a newlywed and married life. But I couldn't focus on any of that. The truth was I had to concentrate on all the unpleasant business that led Detective Harris to my office. "Detective Harris was asking me questions." I told Wayne never opening my eyes. I sounded more calm than I actually was. He continued massaging my feet. "What kinds of questions?" "How long I'd known Devon. What the nature of our relationship was. How I knew Sheila. What we spoke about last." "Baby those are standard questions that they ask when they're trying to figure things out. You just happen to be connected to both victims." he said matter of factly. "Wayne I can't go to jail!" I exclaimed. "I can't have our baby in jail!" I yelled. The tears started streaming down my face.

Wayne pulled me close to him and cradled me in his arms, rocking back and forth. He had such a calming energy and I was instantly relaxed. "It's gonna be alright." he said. "Don't worry, whatever happens I'm here. You know that." he told me. Just hearing his words made me cry even more. All I could think about was him having to raise this baby alone. I wouldn't stand for both of us going to jail. Especially since all of this was my fault. Our baby would have no one. He continued to calmly rock me back and forth and then he started humming. The tember in his voice made me close my eyes and take in deep breaths and sniffle like a child. "We'll get through this, trust me. We'll get the best attorneys and if we have to we'll fight this until we can't anymore. Don't worry."

Just then the doorbell rang. We looked at each other and Wayne got up to answer it. Low and behold it was Detective Harris and he brought a friend who he introduced as Detective Sanchez. She was my height, she was dressed in a black suit, white button down shirt, black shoes with a low heel. She wore her badge on a lanyard. She liked to hold her jacket open to expose the service weapon holstered on her waist. Her hair was tied back in a long ponytail and she wore small diamond stud earrings. She had very big eyes, they reminded me of an ostrich. There was a trace of lip gloss on her tightly pursed lips. There was no sign of a smile. I couldn't remember when I'd gotten so good at details. Maybe it was trying to remember everything that my victims had worn so I'd remember what to get rid of. Or maybe it was when I was hiding the weapon I'd used, remembering to clean it after each use and put it back underneath the loose wooden plank. Yes, murder makes you remember details. I was a frazzled body of nerves. She glared at me with those eyes as Wayne and Detective Harris exchanged pleasantries. "How far along are you?" she asked me without warning. "Three months." I answered absent-mindedly. "Yes, we just got married." Wayne informed her putting his strong arm around my shoulder. "How nice." she nodded her eyes never leaving mine. I instinctively moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist as if he could shield me from her cold stare. Assuming this was part of her scare tactic, I decided not to be intimidated. Wayne and I stood as one as he asked them how we could help them.

"I'm sure your bride has already told you about the visit we had earlier today at her office." he said with a smile that seemed too big to be real. Wayne returned the same fake smile. "Yes, as a matter of fact she did, just as you rang the doorbell." Detective Harris nodded as Detective Sanchez stood perfectly straight and motionless, her gaze focused on me. "Well, the reason we're here is I just wanted to tie up some loose ends." he explained as he pulled the same notebook from his breast pocket that he'd used earlier. I could feel myself get tense and Wayne felt it too." "Honey why don't you go sit down, you've been on your feet all day." he told me. I looked him in the eyes and he nodded that it was okay reassuring me to sit down. I turned slowly and started heading for the couch when Detective Sanchez grabbed my arm. "Here, let me help you." she offered. "Well, let's all take a load off." Wayne said replacing his hand with hers on my arm. "We can have a seat over here." he told them as they followed us to the living room. "Beautiful home you've got here." she commented. "Thank you." Wayne said. "Well, let's get to it then shall we?" he laughed. "I don't want to take up too much of your evening." Detective Harris said taking a seat on the couch opposite us. Detective Sanchez continued to stand as she looked around. I wondered if she thought she'd spot blood or signs of a struggle. I also wondered if I'd missed something. Her eyes were not the same as Wayne's or mine.

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