Part 18: Sex is good...after murder

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As I lathered up the soap and moved it over my body, my mind wandered again to Sheila. Had her job tried contacting her? Had the police been contacted already? What about family? Was anybody missing her right now? No one would have missed me. My mother had been dead for many years and my father, who knows. If Devon had killed me no one would have been the wiser. But there is this demon in the basement that has a family who goes on national tv offering a reward to find him...and it got a woman killed. I didn't even hear Wayne open the glass doors and climb in behind me. I only felt his large hands gripping me. I felt his penis press between my cheeks. I felt his lips on the back of my neck. I closed my eyes and let him push into me. As he caressed my breast I moaned softly. He was moving slowly in and out of me and I was opening up to him. I always did. Wayne was so easy for me to open up to. He was masculine and strong, yet gentle and loving. He wasn't menacing and controlling and scary. I actually thought that if I ever fell in love again, it would be with him.

When we had finished having sex, we washed each other and got out of the shower which had now gone almost cold. Wayne looked at me in such an intense way and I realized that we hadn't spoken all morning. "Are you okay?" he asked me. I thought about his question for a minute. Was I okay? "Yes." I finally answered. "Are you?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. I never burned a body before and it doesn't feel good. But I'm okay." His statement made me wonder why I didn't feel the same. Yes, I felt bad that I'd ended Sheila's life. I'd probably pay for it for the rest of mine, somehow. But I still felt this feeling of relief, and I was on a high. It was not like me, or at least it didn't used to be like me. I watched Wayne stretch his long muscles across his bed. He was still naked and beautiful. "I'm going for a run." I told him. I needed to clear my head. I put on some Nike's, joggers and a tank top. I tied my damp hair in a messy bun on the top of my head and headed for the garage door. Once I was outside, I took in the early afternoon. The sun was warm on my face as I stretched my own body. I took off down the driveway and let my soles pound the pavement. For the first time I saw Wayne's neighborhood up close instead of gliding by in a car. Everyone kept their yards up. There was an older couple plucking weeds. A young man out for a jog with his dog. A woman talking on a cell phone, watering her grass. A man cutting his lawn. I ended up turning onto the next street was the perfect image of Wayne's. It made me wonder if I would ever live a normal life again.

When I got back to Wayne's, he was sitting on the deck. I stopped and stretched again letting him watch me. "Did you have a good run?" I nodded. "You were gone before I could say anything." "I guess I really needed it. Back when I used to have a normal life, before him, I jogged almost regularly.I tried to keep fit. I enjoy it." He smiled. "I can tell." I walked past him going inside. I could hear the distant sounds of moaning. Wayne walked in behind me. "How long does it take for a person to just die?" He asked me. "I can't answer that. But evil doesn't die so easily. Sometimes you have to kill it." I said. "Are you suggesting we kill him?" he asked as if we weren't already planning to do that. "We're already killing him, slowly, like you said." I reminded him. He didn't think about the long time it might take to starve a chained man to death. "I'm starting to smell him." he said. "The odor of death is lingering through the walls." I suddenly felt a pinch of pity for him. He had turned his house over as a way to keep me safe, hoping Devon would just die off in a few weeks. But here he was still breathing, and someone else had been killed in the process. I had ruined him just like I knew I would.

"I'm going to move him." I said matter of factly. Where I had no idea. "What do you mean, move him?" "I'm going to get him out of your house. You didn't sign up for this. You have a beautiful home, you worked hard for and you shouldn't have to live like this." I told him. "Listen, I offered to help you, and I intend to see this through. I don't know why or what kind of spell you cast on me, but I just want to help you. He stays until he dies." If I didn't think I loved Wayne before, I definitely did now. I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him toward me. "Thank you." I whispered. He kissed my forehead and I looked up into his eyes. Then he kissed my lips. He picked me up off my feet and carried me to the hot tub. He let me down and then piece by piece he removed my clothes. Lucky for us the hot tub was enclosed by tall shrubs and bushes. It was very private. He took my hand and helped me step into the tub. Then I watched as he removed all of his clothes and then climbed in beside me. He sat down and then took my hand again and pulled me on top of him. I sat down and felt him immediately in me for the second time in as many hours. As I moved up and down on him we hugged each other tightly. We exchanged kisses and pecks on the cheek. With all the craziness happening in our lives making love was the only thing that felt good, and made sense.

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