Part 2: I Can Run, but I Can't Hide

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I found my new office at the front of the building. It was big, bigger than I was used to...but I was the principal. I needed space for parents and students and teachers. I had to get used to that title myself. Principal. I let the word roam around in my head for awhile. I sat behind my mahogany desk, spinning around in my big leather chair. I felt like a child playing in her mother's office. I would never know what it felt like to play in my mother's office. She died when I was seven years old. She was killed in a car accident on a rainy summer night running from her boyfriend Carl. She'd broken things off with him and he couldn't handle it. He was a drunk who couldn't keep a job and lied about being divorced. Later, she found out that he lied about everything. They met at her job. She was a bartender at a place called Liquored Up. I would go there sometimes after school and sit in the basement until she got off. Sometimes I could hear her arguing with him, arguing with customers, arguing with her boss. She was always arguing it seemed. Especially with men. She raised me to be strong. Stand up for myself, look people in the eyes and show no fear. Stay in control at all times. 

Never back down she would say. 

"Excuse me Ms. York?" I spun around slowly in my chair as if I was expecting someone although I wasn't. "Yes?" "Uh, hi, sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Melissa Darcy, I work right out here in the front office." she said pointing out through the glass windows. "I usually handle the attendance records, hall passes, late passes calling parents about absences, that sort of thing. Jackie Blake over there in the corner, she administers late testing, new enrollments, previous student inquiries. Stephanie Valentine by me right there, she handles suspensions, unruly students, detentions..." "Why didn't they come in for themselves?" I asked cutting her off. "Are you the designated spokeswoman?" I knew my tone was cynical. She gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I guess so." "It's nice to meet you Melissa. As for the rest of your counterparts, I won't know they exist until they put on their big girl panties and speak for themselves." I went nonchalantly to my computer which I hadn't even logged into yet. That didn't stop me from pretending she'd interrupted something important. I shook the mouse and the page sprung to life. My name KYORK was staring back at me, the cursor was sitting in the password box blinking at me to type in a password. I typed HeadBIC1170. The screen shook and then another page was awakened. It was the homepage for Hillson High. It showed all the schools information. Current events,  faculty information, student awards, classes, schedules, everything. As I moved the mouse around on the page, she awkwardly slipped out of my office. I knew she would be telling them what a bitch I was.


I clicked around on the page trying to familiarize myself with it all. I really wanted to make a good impression and fit in. But I also wasn't going to be bullied. The last school principal for Hillson was an older man, Greg Jefferson. He sat in this office for twenty two years and retired a month ago. I know they had all grown to love him. They were used to his manly ways. I would have to set the tone of my ways. I only moved to this area for a chance at a new life. A new start, a new beginning. Lord knows I needed it. After Devon. Devil should have been his name. Devon Jones. I wanted so badly to forget him. I wanted to push him right out of my mind. I wanted to pretend he was dead. I wanted him dead. He deserved to be dead. After... "Kelly?" Mr. Perkins said breaking my thoughts. "Hello there. Just getting acquainted with everything." I told him. I stood and walked over to greet him. "Good, good. Hey, listen I just wanted to see how you were settling in and all. I'm going to head back to the Board but if you ever need anything, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask. If they can't help you here, give me a call. I'm more than happy to help!" he said. "Thank you so much Mr. Perkins, and thanks again for the opportunity." We shook hands, he turned and was gone. I closed my door. I didn't feel like hearing the whisperings of the front office. 

I started putting books on the shelves, pens and pencils in the holders, faculty personnel files in the file cabinet drawers, candy in the bowl on the corner of my desk for calming students and angry parents or maybe even for an overworked, underpaid teacher. I watered the two large orphaned floor plants that had become a part of the permanent décor. I could tell because the planters hadn't been moved in a very long time and the grooves were in the rug. I turned to water the fern that hung behind my desk in the large window when I saw him. He was standing right there in the parking lot. Just beyond the iron fence. Right behind my car. I was so startled I almost dropped the watering can. As I gathered my composure I looked up again and he was gone. I never, ever lost my cool. My mother taught me that. Unless Devon Jones was involved. When it came to him I was always off my game. But not anymore, not ever again. Was he ever really there?

Or was he just a figment of my imagination? 


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