Part 8: He's a Monster

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"I want to tell you something...something, about the man I saw tonight." I stammered. His face went very serious and he just watched my lips waiting for more. "I used to date him, he used to" I said wishing those words tasted better. "Well I figured he wasn't just a friend." he said. "What happened with you two? You seemed terrified of him." "That's because I am." I told him. "He's a monster. He kidnapped me, he tortured me, he tried to kill me." I whispered the words and put my head down in shame. Wayne now touched my shoulder drawing me back to him. His face never changed. I knew he heard me so I went on. "He toyed with me, all the time. He got a kick out of saying random things that he knew would terrify me. He told me once that he would cut my heart out and keep it in a jar. He killed my cat. He would sit out in front of my apartment for hours and hours. He would text me back to back continuously...he would..." "Stop." Wayne said calmly. "It's okay, I don't need to hear anymore. Just stop." I looked at him and he smiled.

"Did you ever press any charges against him?" "Yes, I did. But he's friends, somehow, with law enforcement where we're from. The judge, lawyers, cops everybody was on his side. They treated me like I was the criminal. I had to prove everything that happened to me and he had to prove nothing. The judge gave him two years when they had exhausted all probability that he was innocent. But he only ended up serving six months. Something about good behavior and keeping away from me. "So that's how you ended up here on my couch." he said in a matter of fact sort of way. I nodded. "He is a monster. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I wish there was something I could do to make it better. But since I can't change the past, I'll try to change the future. As long as I'm here, he won't hurt you." He said it with such conviction that I believed him. He heard the words I used to describe Devon. But he'd never experienced it in living color. I thought it best to leave Greg out of it. Having an ally here could really be helpful. "It's getting late, and you have a school to run. You ready for bed?" I smiled. "Yes."

He again took my hand and I stood up. This time he never let my hand go and he walked me up the winding stairs that led to a large bedroom at the back of the house. It too was covered in white. A large bed with a marble bed post sat in the middle of the room. A white puffy comforter covered it and white furry pillows sat neatly on top. The carpet was a washed out light gray and there was a large marble dresser with a mirror in the corner. There were French doors to the left which opened up to a terrace. There was a skylight in the ceiling and to the right I could see a large marble lined stand alone shower. There was a claw foot tub to the rear of the room. The whole thing seemed so spa like and way out of my league. I wondered how his wife could ever leave such a place. But then I remembered that we all have our demons. "This is it." Wayne said opening his hands in a showing fashion. "It's breathtaking." I told him. "Thanks, I hope you can enjoy it, get some rest." I nodded. "I'm not used to entertaining ladies so unfortunately I don't have any female things here, i.e., pajamas." I laughed. "But,, I have these." he said holding up sky blue mens pajamas.

I smiled and took them. "The bathroom is there, you're welcome to anything I have. The clean towels are in the closet, body wash, oh, and I there are new toothbrushes in there too." I reached out and put my hand on his arm. "Wayne, thank you, so much. I actually can't thank you enough." I said trying to hold back the tears. "This has been a big day." he said sensing my anxiety. He took my hand. "I promise you it'll be okay." I nodded. For some reason, with Wayne, I felt safe. I believed him. But I wouldn't allow myself to feel anything...

Not now.

Not ever.

Stay in control.

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