Part 12: The Kidnapping

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I wonder where the word kidnapping originated from? I'm sure it probably started from someone's child being taken. What is it called when you take an adult against their will? Adultnap? I didn't know. But whatever the correct term was for what we were planning, we planned it anyway. I took a few days off from work. After everyone heard about my house they all understood. Wayne also took a few days. We used the time to focus solely on Devon. We went to the local library and searched for Devon. He hadn't done anything like sign a lease or get a hotel room. He hadn't bought or rented any cars.I checked his Facebook status and he hadn't been on in a few weeks. But I did notice that the woman he was with in the restaurant was a friend of his. Her name was Carla Sims. She lived here in Hillson. She was a nurse at Hillson Memorial Hospital. She was single with no children. I saw that she posted she was in a relationship three months ago. She said it was long distance. Then two days ago she changed her status to it's complicated. There were pictures of her and Devon. He looked so normal he could fool anyone. Poor thing. I wondered when he would show his true colors if hadn't already.

"She's probably unknowingly helping him." Wayne said. "He's probably living with her, driving her car, using her money. Taking full advantage. Probably why we can't find him anywhere." "I think we need to scope out Hillson Memorial. If we're right, we can catch him there, follow him and..."

"Get him." I finished the sentence. I had more anger inside of me than I cared to admit.

Living with Wayne wasn't like I expected. It was more like having a roommate. We'd eat dinner together, talk about Devon and what the plan was, watch tv, fall asleep and do it all again. I found out that Wayne was a neat freak. Everything in its place. He was very clean and organized. He enjoyed cooking and was good at it. He said that came from living alone and getting tired of take out. He liked HGTV and the COOKING channel. He liked sports, especially basketball, but would change the channel quickly if LOVE IT OR LIST IT was on. We fell into a sort of friendship that I hadn't expected. Then one night we sat up late, talking about life and experiences and our dreams. We had some of that Gran Patron Tequila again and then it happened. We were sitting close, maybe too close. Wayne began to stroke my hair. He was looking deep in my eyes. He told me hadn't felt this way about a woman in a long time. Probably never. He said he loved his wife but he never felt connected to her. He said he was a moth to my flame. I loved his analogies. He was so good with words and expressing his feelings. He was articulate. He came a long way from where he told me he once was. Little did he know, I was about to send him back down that road.

Sitting so near him now, sipping tequila and listening to the fire crackle, I kissed him. It was a soft, simple kiss. A peck really. On the lips. It left a trace of the pink lipstick I was wearing. He cocked his head to one side with a look of surprise on his face. "What was that for?" "Just thanking you for everything you've done for me." I told him. "You took me in and cared for me, and now you're willing to..." I choked on my words not wanting to say out loud what I was asking him to do. "It's alright." he said. "Don't think about'll all be fine." "How can you say that? You've come so far you've completely changed your life and now I've brought you into this...this mess." I said and the tears fell. He pulled me close to him and he kissed me. A long, soft, hot, wet kiss. I was so full of everything I'd been feeling I just wanted him right then and right there. We began stripping clothes away in a mad fury. I threw my leg across his body and straddled him. He went in fast and hard. I bounced up and down on top of him, like a wild animal. My hair was flying all around my face. I closed my eyes as I listened to the deep timber in his voice as he moaned. He put his lips on my breast and kissed and then his tongue was on my nipple. I gave a soft whimper as I enjoyed him.

Every inch.

Every lick.

Every kiss.

I can't say how long we lasted. But when we finished, I collapsed beside him on the couch. We were both out of breath but that didn't stop us from kissing and touching. "I just want you to know that when we do this, it's all or nothing." he told me. I nodded. He softly grabbed my chin so that my eyes met his. "No turning back, no wimping out. It's me and you against him."

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