Part 16: I'm Okay, Really, I'm Fine

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When Wayne came back, I had dinner all ready. A special cut of filet mignon, house salad, baked potatoes and asparagus. I even made a peach cobbler. "What's all this?" he asked kissing the back of my neck. "I just thought you'd be hungry after an afternoon of basketball. I wanted to do something nice for you like you always do for me." He smiled and gave me a hug. "That was thoughtful of you." I never knew a man like Wayne existed in a world like mine. I mean, sure, I've dated other guys before Devon. But they were just guys who could offer me nothing more than friendship. Wayne was a man, the kind I could settle down with, maybe even fall in love, start a family, assuming I didn't end up in prison. He's attentive, caring and a bit psychotic in his own right. But I could never tell him about Devon. He'd definitely think I'd lost my mind. I believe, in all actuality, that I have lost my mind. But I was enjoying it. I never thought that driving a kitchen knife into another human could be so satisfying.

"Let me get washed up and changed." he said and disappeared up the stairs. I set the table, turned on some nice, calming music, poured some of my wine, and waited. Devon was quiet for a change. I was hoping it was finally sinking in that he would never be released. I hoped he finally understood that he was my prisoner and that I could do with him as I pleased. He was hopeless of anyone finding him. Unless Sheila lost her nerve. But that $2,000 payment was not just for her, it was my guarantee of her silence. "Shall we?" Wayne's deep voice boomed in the dining room breaking into my thoughts. "We shall." He sat down and I got the food from the kitchen. We said grace and as he prayed, I thought about asking God to forgive me for what I had done and had planned on doing. But God wouldn't forgive me because I wasn't finished with Devon, not yet. I'd have to pray when I was done with him...when he's dead.

"I saw one of my oldest friends today!" Wayne said proudly. "We went to high school together, that cat can still ball." "Better than you?" I asked. "Of course not better than me, but still." We laughed. "So, how are you feeling about everything?" he asked me. "What do you mean?" I asked as coyly as possible. "You know what I mean. How was your visit? Did everything go well?" "If you mean did Devon behave himself, then yes, everything went fine. We sipped wine and caught up on old times, kind of like you did." He frowned at me as I took a bite of asparagus. "Are you sure you're okay? We aren't living here under the most ordinary circumstances." "I'm okay, really, I'm fine". I assured him. And I was, really fine. Better than fine actually. I was finally not afraid anymore. I could sleep peacefully as Devon had said, but really be in peace. The monster was in a cage. Captured. And in time, I hoped Sheila could find some peace for herself, too.

After dinner, Wayne and I watched a movie. Sleeping with the Enemy. Why he chose this movie was beyond me. It was always a good movie, especially before my time with Devon. But having slept with the enemy myself, it was not so good anymore. If only Julia Roberts had known about the satisfaction of becoming the predator instead of the prey.

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