Chapter 8 A UPDATE AT LAST!!

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Cara's POV

I was in a peaceful sleep when my loud annoying ring tone sounded of making me groan loudly. Before i answered i saw the time was 4am. Who the fuck calls at 4am? When i saw the caller id it said 'The dickhead' Which is Luke. I should really change that back because he's not a dickhead anymore. It feels like everything we used to have is slowly coming back again. All the funny times, cute moments and friendly chats. I've missed it...I've missed him. I don't know if i'm thinking this because its early and my brain isn't functioning properly or i just miss him and want him back. Fuck its probably both.

"Hello?" I mumbled into the phone.

"Did i wake you up?" He asked. Ergh fuck Luke.

"Well...Its 4am so yes you did wake me up. This better be important" I said sounding more awake.

"Jaydes awake and won't go back to sleep!" He moaned.

"Well...Sing her a song or read her a story or give her her teddy. Its not rocket science. Give her her bottle too" I told him.

"Right okay. I'll talk to you later?" He said and i hummed a 'yes'

I hung up and smashed my face onto the pillow trying to get back to sleep.

My mind kepts replaying all the fun times we have had together, the romantic moments and everything else.


"Cara...Isn't this illegal?" Luke worridly asked.

"Its only illegal if you get caught" I laughed and walked through the crack in the gate.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Somewhere" I bluntly asked and he groaned.

We slipped through another crack in a gate and in view was a waterfall that is private propety but i used to come her all the time when i was 16 with my friends. We would play some music, drink, smoke and just be carefree.

"I used to come here all the time. Its the only place where you can be carefree. No one around to tell you no. Hardly any people about so music could be as loud as i wanted" I smiled.

I walked over to a little cave that we used to put all the drinks in. I laid down and opened a beer. Luke shortly joined me.

We laid back drinking,laughing and talking....Making out a little.  

Oh fuck it.

We had sex in a cave while listening to green day and drinking beer.

*End of flashback*

I woke up the following morning at about 10:30am with the flashback fresh in my memory.

I walked into the kitchen and Joe was sitting at the table with his friend Caspar who is also a youtuber.

"Morning" The both said.

"Morning" I replied and put some toast on.

The toast popped up burnt as fuck but i still ate it. Burnt toast is all i've been wanting to eat lately. 

"Caspar...You basically live here how about you just move in..." I said taking a bite of toast. Joe and Caspar gave looks at eachother then looked back at me.

"We've actually been talking about that. We wanted to ask you first" Joe shrugged.

"I'd be cool with it....As long as you don't mind a screaming 1 year old" I laughed.

Forgetting you (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now